As end-user, I would like to be able to specify the names for the id and review.text column in the input data so that other column names can be used if the input data schema differs so that I don't have to change the code every time my input schema differs.
This solution should ideally be implemented as inputs to the state machine execution and automatically fall back to the default value should the overrides not be provides.
The solution should not account for scenarios where the input data schema is significantly different in terms of not having such distinct columns and/or not being CSV.
As end-user, I would like to be able to specify the names for the
column in the input data so that other column names can be used if the input data schema differs so that I don't have to change the code every time my input schema differs.This solution should ideally be implemented as inputs to the state machine execution and automatically fall back to the default value should the overrides not be provides. The solution should not account for scenarios where the input data schema is significantly different in terms of not having such distinct columns and/or not being CSV.