katowulf / mockfirebase

Firebase mock library for writing unit tests (experimental)
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How to call MockFirebase.override() #114

Open Dashing-Daniel-Li opened 6 years ago

Dashing-Daniel-Li commented 6 years ago

I keep getting this error: TypeError: __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_mockfirebase___default.a.override is not a function

In my spec.ts I imported it at the top

import MockFirebase from'mockfirebase';

then in my before each i called: MockFirebase.override();

Does it need to be in the karma config and where ?? I am making an ionic app using ionic example testing git repo.

Dashing-Daniel-Li commented 6 years ago

var MockFirebase = require('mockfirebase').MockFirebase;

in the setup instructions where do i put this?