katowulf / mockfirebase

Firebase mock library for writing unit tests (experimental)
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deploy browser/* to npm. drop .npmignore for package.json/files. #96

Closed jamestalmage closed 8 years ago

jamestalmage commented 8 years ago

Increasingly I am using npm for all my dependencies (client side and otherwise). For those projects which I'm not building with browserify, I would like to see the browserified build deployed into npm.

Also, I personally have switched to using the "files" property of "package.json", instead of a separate .npmignore file. It always seems to end up more concise.

jamestalmage commented 8 years ago

Only failure is in iojs, and it looks like it is related to stream-to-promise.

bendrucker commented 8 years ago

Not sure I like the idea of publishing non-CJS to npm. Unless you can convince me otherwise my instinct is no to this.

jamestalmage commented 8 years ago

npm specifically debunks that notion.

It is a really common practice. See angular-*, bluebird, underscore, mocha, all deploy non-CJS code to npm.

Firebase publishes the web version to npm as well. If I haven't convinced you it's a good idea overall, you'd have to at least agree it's a good idea to follow the lead of the lib we are mocking.

bendrucker commented 8 years ago

@katowulf can add you as a collab and you can merge this. I'm not working on this anymore. While I disagree that publishing built code to npm is a good idea, you can go ahead and do it.

jamestalmage commented 8 years ago

I'm not working on this anymore.
