katyo / aubio-rs

Rust bindings for Aubio library
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Add beginning of FMat #7

Closed Polochon-street closed 4 years ago

Polochon-street commented 4 years ago


I'm trying to add the beginning of matrices. (see https://aubio.org/doc/0.4.3/fmat_8h_source.html)

It's a bit difficult because the memory layout of matrices (just a big **data array) is not very Rust-friendly, so I've added some tests to make sure we go at least in the right direction :)

[EDIT] Still wip now

Polochon-street commented 4 years ago

@katyo should be ready for review now :)

I've also ran the rust formatter on the file and it changed some formatting, hope that's okay with you :grimacing:

[EDIT] Now with a non-owned version, for cases like filter_bank where it's convenient to have an FMat objet, but we don't want to Drop it ourselves

katyo commented 4 years ago

Excuse for long absence here.

The wrappers for data (like FVec) is a reference-like types by design. That types was introduced to simplify transfer data between aubio calls and Rust code. I don't sure the data-owning wrappers so necessary that we cannot play without it. Can you give me a use cases?

Polochon-street commented 4 years ago

Hi, no worries :)

I'm trying to make a non-owned version of it and still have a method to .into() a Vec<&mut [f32]> into an FMat (this is extremely useful when you want to deal with filterbanks and want to create the matrix of coefficients in Rust yourself).

Only problem I have is that I currently have this method https://github.com/katyo/aubio-rs/pull/7/files#diff-03ebbda4a6b1b68f4f6c547acada6610R449-R473 that does it, and you need to have a temporary Vec to store the data in the right shape for having a valid fmat_t, and without a Drop implementation, it leaks memory (since this Vec needs to survive the end of the function)

Would you have any suggestion? I'm a bit dry on that one :grimacing:

[EDIT] I've made a new commit with how it would like with merged stuff - see here for memory leaks: https://github.com/katyo/aubio-rs/pull/7/files#diff-03ebbda4a6b1b68f4f6c547acada6610R404-R410

katyo commented 4 years ago

It seems I found simple solution. I added extra type parameter to FMat which may holds owned data.

 * Immutable matrix of real valued data.
pub struct FMat<'a, X> {
    fmat: ffi::fmat_t,
    _x: X,
    _pd: PhantomData<&'a ()>,

impl<'a, X> FMat<'a, X> {
    pub(crate) fn as_ptr(&'a self) -> *const ffi::fmat_t {

    pub fn length(&self) -> usize {
        self.fmat.length as usize

    pub fn height(&self) -> usize {
        self.fmat.height as usize

    pub fn print(&self) {
        unsafe { ffi::fmat_print(self.as_ptr()) }

    /// Read sample value in a buffer
    pub fn get_sample(&self, channel: usize, position: usize) -> Result<f32> {
        if channel >= self.height() || position >= self.length() {
            return Err(Error::InvalidArg);
        Ok(unsafe {
                channel as ffi::uint_t,
                position as ffi::uint_t,

    pub fn get_vec(&self) -> Vec<&mut [f32]> {
        let mut vec = Vec::with_capacity(self.height());
        let mut ptr = self.fmat.data;
        let end = self.fmat.data.wrapping_add(self.height());

        while ptr != end {
            vec.push(unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts_mut(*ptr, self.length()) });
            ptr = ptr.wrapping_add(1);

impl<'a> FMat<'a, ()> {
     * Create a matrix from an already existing `fmat_t` pointer.
     * The matrix is non-owned; useful to avoid double-frees for `FilterBank`,
     * for instance.
    pub unsafe fn from_raw_ptr(ptr: *const ffi::fmat_t) -> Self {
        FMat {
            fmat: *ptr,
            _x: (),
            _pd: PhantomData,

pub type FMatVecs = Vec<*const f32>;

impl<'a, T: AsRef<[&'a [f32]]>> From<T> for FMat<'a, FMatVecs> {
     * Create a matrix from a `FVecSet`
     * Matrix's horizontal height is the `Vec`'s len, and
     * its vertical length the slice's len.
    fn from(data: T) -> Self {
        let data = data.as_ref();

        #[cfg(feature = "check-size")]
            let mut vecs = data.iter();
            if let Some(fst) = vecs.next() {
                let len = fst.len();
                if len == 0 {
                    panic!("No values in slice");
                if vecs.any(|nxt| nxt.len() != len) {
                    panic!("Slices has different lengthes");
            } else {
                panic!("No slices in set");

        let array = data.iter().map(|v| v.as_ptr()).collect::<Vec<_>>();

        Self {
            fmat: ffi::fmat_t {
                height: data.len() as _,
                length: data[0].len() as _,
                data: array.as_ptr() as _,
            _x: array,
            _pd: PhantomData,

Also I modified tests:

mod test {
    use super::*;

    fn test_from_fmat_wrong_size() {
        let x: &[&[f32]] = &[&[1.0, 2.0], &[4.0, 5.0, 6.0], &[7.0, 8.0, 9.0]];
        let _fmat: FMat<_> = x.into();

    fn test_from_fmat() {
        let x: &[&[f32]] = &[&[1.0, 2.0], &[4.0, 5.0], &[7.0, 8.0]];
        let fmat: FMat<_> = x.into();
        assert_eq!(2, fmat.length());
        assert_eq!(3, fmat.height());

        assert_eq!(1., fmat.get_sample(0, 0).unwrap());
        assert_eq!(2., fmat.get_sample(0, 1).unwrap());
        assert_eq!(4., fmat.get_sample(1, 0).unwrap());
        assert_eq!(5., fmat.get_sample(1, 1).unwrap());
        assert_eq!(7., fmat.get_sample(2, 0).unwrap());
        assert_eq!(8., fmat.get_sample(2, 1).unwrap());

    fn test_to_vec() {
        let x: &[&[f32]] = &[&[1.0, 2.0], &[4.0, 5.0], &[7.0, 8.0]];
        let fmat: FMat<_> = x.into();

        let matrix = fmat.get_vec();

        assert_eq!(matrix, vec![&[1.0, 2.0], &[4.0, 5.0], &[7.0, 8.0]]);

As you can see we usually do not need Vec here.

Polochon-street commented 4 years ago

That works for me. Thanks very much for the help, I've pushed your suggestions, ran valgrind against the tests, and no memory leak has been detected. Nice!

katyo commented 4 years ago

LGTM. Can I merge this PR right now?

Polochon-street commented 4 years ago

Yup, if it looks good to you, LGTM :smile: Thanks for the feedback!