katz0018 / portfolio

The starter portfolio repository, basically empty, but with a few helper files.
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My rubric for portfolio content #10

Open katz0018 opened 4 years ago

katz0018 commented 4 years ago

I think I ddi a good job of staying consistent throughout my webpage with branding.

The loading of the page is slower than I’d like for it to be. This could because of so many videos even tho everything is compressed and the appropriate output video guidelines.

I can improve perhaps improve the loading time of the main page and also a bit of javascript to enhance the interactivity.

A problem I came across was that the videos would not load in chrome and I wasn’t sure why..

A complication I overcame throughout the project was that I had completely broke my website a while back. I overcame it by re downloading a previously committed version of my site and starting back up from that point.

I think that the messaging is well told. I made sure to keep the idea of telling stories consistent by adding small illustration details, being thorough with my descriptions, process descriptions, call to action banner that shows what else I do.

I hope it’s usable, my peers have said it is luckily:p


0 points 1 points 2 points 3 points
Pages & images Barely started Missing lots of pages & images Has most of the pages, some placeholder images All pages exist and are well done with complete imagery
Personality & design Bland, boring, just another graphic designer Fairly generic, visual design could be pushed more Quality layouts and unique, personable content & design Unique and recognizable as you, with engaging, personable content & design
Image quality Only placeholder images Some portfolio piece images Lots of images but low quality High quality portfolio images — and lots of them
Accessibility No considerations Added some alt attributes, nothing else Just the basics: alt attributes, roles Accessibility is well considered and tested
Text content Fake content only Some real content, some fake All real content but with lots of errors Real content, well written, no grammar or spelling errors
Responsiveness Not responsive Works on some screens Responsive but with lots of awkwardness Looks great on all screen sizes
Code quality Barely started Indentation is barely existent, lots of validation errors, very poor semantics Decent indentation, just a couple validation errors, decent semantics Well indented, fully valid, good semantics