katz0018 / portfolio

The starter portfolio repository, basically empty, but with a few helper files.
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Portfolio Design and Content #9

Open FrancescoIaderosa92 opened 4 years ago

FrancescoIaderosa92 commented 4 years ago

Pages & images Barely started Missing lots of pages & images Has most of the pages, some placeholder images All pages exist and are well done with complete imagery Personality & design Bland, boring, just another graphic designer Fairly generic, visual design could be pushed more Quality layouts and unique, personable content & design Unique and recognizable as you, with engaging, personable content & design Image quality Only placeholder images Some portfolio piece images Lots of images but low quality High quality portfolio images — and lots of them Accessibility No considerations Added some alt attributes, nothing else Just the basics: alt attributes, roles Accessibility is well considered and tested Text content Fake content only Some real content, some fake All real content but with lots of errors Real content, well written, no grammar or spelling errors Responsiveness Not responsive Works on some screens Responsive but with lots of awkwardness Looks great on all screen sizes Code quality Barely started Indentation is barely existent, lots of validation errors, very poor semantics Decent indentation, just a couple validation errors, decent semantics Well indented, fully valid, good semantics

Pages and Images: 3/3 Personality and Design: 3/3 Image Quality: 3/3 Accessibility: 3/3 Text content: 2/3 Responsiveness: 3/3 Code quality 3/3

Total Score: 20/21

Some minor spelling errors, but no worries, you knocked this one out of the park!

Here are some of the spelling errors: I put the proper spelling in brackets, if you want my help with this, let me know :)

For international laugh day, I created a social media, public service annoucment (announcement) that could be used to grab peoples attention in order to bring awareness to the importance of laughing when it comes to mental health.

The goal of this project was to create a social media video that when swiping through fastly will grab people's attention in order to shine light on the topic.

I created this project to be 80's Retro feel because many legendry (legendary) public service annoucments (announcements) like, House Hippo, were created during that time. I acheived (achieved) this by adding an off white background and the font at the end of the video to mimic trends in this era. The reason I didn't incorporate music is to make the laughter stand out even more, and create a rawness to the video. The purpose of having the diffrent (different) styled rotocoped (rotoscoped) styles is to represent diversity and the idea that it doesnt (doesn't) matter what background you come from, laughing is contagious to everyone.

During the sketching process(,) I knew I wanted to make a piece that was very raw and focused a lot on the messaging of the video. I also new (knew) that the public service annoucments (announcements) from the 80's, heading into the 90's, would stand out to the target audience.

These are just minor things, Great job Jazmin!

katz0018 commented 4 years ago

Thank you a ton Frankie :)