katzer / cordova-plugin-local-notifications

Cordova Local-Notification Plugin
Apache License 2.0
2.56k stars 1.74k forks source link

Feature Requests #451

Open katzer opened 9 years ago

katzer commented 9 years ago

Dear Local-Notification community,

please make use of the following page to propose new feature requests. Once accepted they will be added to an own wiki page with further informations.


programadormx commented 8 years ago

good day As I do so that I can rather than a notification message is displayed. The app is opened when closed

Thank you

DanailMinchev commented 8 years ago

Publish to npmjs.com (officially), please.

Not sure which of them to use: https://www.npmjs.com/search?q=cordova-plugin-local-notifications

https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications/issues/586 http://cordova.apache.org/announcements/2015/04/21/plugins-release-and-move-to-npm.html

Thank you!

programadormx commented 8 years ago

..........................new notification............ cordova.plugins.notification.local.schedule({ id : 1, title : 'Transacciones', text : 'transacciones automaticas ', sound : null, every : '3', autoClear : false });

cordova.plugins.notification.local.on("trigger", function (notification) { //run my code


So far so good, as long as the application is open. Notification correctly I run every 3 minutes.

The problem is that if I close or kill the app, notifications are still operating but already I can not run the trigger method.

I need you to kill the application but continue to operate the trigger method

Thank you

invernizzie commented 8 years ago

@programadormx este no es el lugar para reportar problemas. Aquí solo pedimos funcionalidad que quisiéramos que forme parte del plugin.

Por favor, crea otro issue para resolver tus inconvenientes o reportar bugs. Saludos.

@katzer it might be a good idea to create a gitter.im room for people to discuss their experiences with the plugin and ask for help without cluttering GitHub issues.

liuzhen2008 commented 8 years ago

@carpiediem +1 for buttons

katzer commented 8 years ago

Buttons are coming with v0.9. To get a foretaste see #774

ghost commented 8 years ago

hi katzer, is it possible for the notification to notify the user on every beacon detection, even when the app is swipe away from the recent list (not force close)?

joakimmelkersson-ld commented 8 years ago

Great plugin, really makes getting scheduled local notifications into your Cordova app a breeze! However, here are a few features I think would make the notifications a lot nicer:

  1. Allow for only smallIcon to be set (which in native Android code would make it appear both in the status bar and next to the notification). Currently it seems like largeIcon is always set to a default, even if you null it.
  2. Rename icon to largeIcon, to correspond with the native API names. Actually, this would be a good change for everything where it makes sense (for example, contentTitle and contentText instead of the current title and text). This would make it easier to understand what in the plugin API corresponds to what in the native API, especially if you're already familiar with how notifications work in native code.
  3. Auto-scale largeIcon (if set) to the proper size, or at least provide an option to do so. Currently an image that's too small will look very small, etc.
  4. Provide option to make largeIcon circular even if a rectangular asset is provided.
  5. Allow for expandable notifications. It wouldn't have to be very advanced initally, but without this option it's impossible to show more than a single line of text in a notification. The easiest way to implement this would probably be using NotificationCompat.BigTextStyle.

EDIT: 5. seems to be on track for 0.9? Good!

jim0020 commented 8 years ago

Allow repeating notifications with custom 'every' intervals, like every 30 minutes, or every 6 months

alanvido commented 8 years ago

I want to work with the support of big text notifications for android, I have the code but do not know how to add it to your project if you are interested in adding this new feature just give me a branch

best regards

midhunadarvin commented 8 years ago

Show a progress bar in the notification --> #850

r3trosteve commented 8 years ago

Are we able to use Notification Actions for iOS or Android?

harlemblues commented 8 years ago

Oh yes, thank you for checking. I studied the documentation more carefully and was able to achieve my goal.

Lorenzo Ciaravola

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 7:55 AM, Steve Schofield notifications@github.com wrote:

Are we able to use Notification Actions for iOS or Android?

— You are receiving this because you commented. Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications/issues/451#issuecomment-208307579

lvlrt commented 7 years ago

is heads-up notifications already supported?

saurabhvyas commented 7 years ago

Can you please add image support in push notifications ?

billycomic commented 7 years ago

I might have missed this in some buried documentation somewhere. Is it possible to setup a way to select a specific time, on different days of the week? For example, a user wants a notification at 9:00am, but they want to get that message every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. How would I implement this?

sahildaga95 commented 7 years ago

Is the plugin fully compatible with Ionic 2. i have opened an issue https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications/issues/1097 here and i just wanted to know when will you be updating to support Ionic 2 ?

daniele-sartiano commented 7 years ago

Is there the way to delete a notification before this is visible?

B00268219 commented 7 years ago

Can this plugin update the notification at the time its captured by the trigger event? , i tried the following...... cordova.plugins.notification.local.on("trigger", function(notification)..... cordova.plugins.notification.local.update({...........}}

but before this function is completely executed, the notification has been sent to the notification center and shows as expired.

Local storage contains contains the update, possibly a method/function to verify the notification before sending would be helpful idk, does one exist? cant find an example or anything in the docs?

esmiralha commented 7 years ago

There is a pull request for multi line notifications pending review. Please review and accept it. Currently the plugin is unusable except for very simple notifications.

harleybl commented 7 years ago

Similar to B00268219.. It would be great if there were a pre-trigger event that fired that one could subscribe to. This would allow for the opportunity to cancel or change the event notification before it is displayed to the user.

kennrll18 commented 6 years ago

Can you guys add an option to launch the app when the app is force closed?

FrancescoMussi commented 6 years ago

Agree very much with @joakimmelkersson feature request n. 5 for expandable notifications.

The titles I need to include there often are slightly longer than one line. It would be a great feature.

e4dev commented 6 years ago

An option for having the device notification led blink would be important for us to be able to use this plugin. Is this something already implemented just maybe I am not seeing how to set the option? Or is this already under consideration? (Behavior would be similar to when user gets a text message or email and the led light is blinking until the notification is read)

Tawpie commented 6 years ago

The led does blink, and on Android you can set the color as well... the flash cannot be made to blink with this plugin.

(spelling and grammer powered by autocorrupt)

On Jul 16, 2017, 6:08 PM -0700, cdpconsulting notifications@github.com, wrote:

An option for having the device notification led blink would be important for us to be able to use this plugin. Is this something already implemented just maybe I am not seeing how to set the option? Or is this already under consideration? (Behavior would be similar to when user gets a text message or email and the led light is blinking until the notification is read) — You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread.

d3w201 commented 6 years ago

dear developers, first compliments for your great works! second.. is possible to set the notification remotely? i know this is probably a stupid question because the name of the plugin is "LOCAL"-notification , but anyway i ask because i am a monkey in dna...

anibalcesar commented 6 years ago

cordova-browser support

chpecson commented 6 years ago

+1 for vibrate control support. This will be a great help for all.

sbannigan commented 6 years ago

Any plans to add Android support for Location based notifications?

gokulm commented 6 years ago

Is it possible to add media controls (play/pause/skip etc.,) with all the existing properties and make it work like this plugin https://github.com/homerours/cordova-music-controls-plugin (this isn't working in the latest android devices) ?

katzer commented 6 years ago

@sbannigan Location based notifications aren't in the plan yet or will be available with 0.9.0. However since they are supported already for iOS its also intended to be supported with a future version of 0.9.x

katzer commented 6 years ago

browser support will also come in future. Usually I would add with 0.9.0. But I think to add it later otherwise it will take even longer to release the next stable version.

katzer commented 6 years ago

@gokulm The plugin supports the android media style . However than hasn't been tested yet. Thats why its also not mentioned on the README.

gokulm commented 6 years ago

@katzer could you please tell how mediasession can be created and used with this plugin? also, does the media style work only for android?

katzer commented 6 years ago

@gokulm Please move this into an own issue ticket. Its Android specific.

gokulm commented 6 years ago

@katzer done https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications/issues/1532

abood91 commented 6 years ago

@katzer Is it possible to include a property that will make the notification sound play forever until its cleared or canceled ? (not seen or clicked) something to replicate the behavior of alarm clock basically

cheers !

HugoHeneault commented 6 years ago

@abood91 You might want to repeat the notification with a value of the time of the sound?

abood91 commented 6 years ago

@HugoHeneault, what do you mean ?

I think notification has limited on time (30) seconds and if your sound tone runs for more then that the you might repeat the first 30 sec. Over and over again ... ?

HugoHeneault commented 6 years ago

@abood91 Have a look here: https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications#repeating

abood91 commented 6 years ago

@HugoHeneault I did but could you provide a sample code example where notification plays sound app is launched / interacted with, basically as I said am looking to replicate alarm app functionality (maybe other plugin ?)


jringbox commented 4 years ago

How about a way for the plugin to detect if the privacy settings for notifications are "hidden" or not on Android (not sure if iOS has this option)? I have a requirement where sensitive information should not be in the notification on the phone's lock screen if notification is not set to hidden. If the phone is not set to hidden then, it display a simple notification message. If it is set to hidden, then it shows detailed notification messages as normal. Is this something that could be planned a new feature soon?