katzwebservices / Wunderground

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Custom Templates not working #32

Open draney opened 8 years ago

draney commented 8 years ago

One typo in your directions I noticed. It says Go to the Wunderground plugin directory (wp-content/wunderground/templates/) but the actual path is wp-content/plugins/wunderground/templates/

Anyway, I have created a wunderground/ folder in my theme and copied over a modified version of the table-horizontal.html template, but it is not being used when I view the website. I also tried creating a wunderground/templates/ directory and putting the template there, but no luck.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

Borfswitch commented 8 years ago

I have the same issue. I'm running wordpress 4.4 and Wunderground 2.1.1

Asgaros commented 8 years ago

Them same problem here when using shortcodes and custom template files. When I use the widget the custom template is used.

Asgaros commented 8 years ago

It seems like the default template is cached so when you add a custom template to your themes folder it looks like the default template is still used. When I disable caching or wait for some time the custom template appears.

dadodd commented 6 years ago

I am having same problem, disabled cache, waited some time, tried in private window , no luck. Did anybody managed to solve the issue?