katzwebservices / Wunderground

Get accurate and beautiful weather forecasts powered by Wunderground.com for your content or your sidebar.
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Wunderground + WP Toolset Views #61

Closed tmarringa closed 2 years ago

tmarringa commented 7 years ago

Hi there!

I'm trying to get your Wordpress plugin working in combination with the WP Toolset Views plugin. I want to get the location from the Views plugin and put it in the Wunderground shortcode.

Like this;

[wunderground location="[wpv-view name="weatherlocation"]" numdays="5" measurement="c" layout="simple" showdata="highlow,alert,daynames,pop,icon,text,conditions,date"]

The output of the wpv-view shortcode is a clean location, but i'm getting a blank page. Is there maybe a workaround for this?

Thanks in advance,
