kaushald / sh-mac-setup

A set up scripts to set up a new mac.
Apache License 2.0
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Add fzf install #7

Open kaushald opened 2 years ago

kaushald commented 2 years ago

This enables autocomplete at the shell level


kaushald commented 2 years ago

Need to run fzf_configure_bindings after this again to get the better gui for the Ctrl R history

kaushald commented 2 years ago

==> Formulae act fd gdbm gradle libtermkey mpdecimal openjdk python@3.10 unibilium bat fish gettext gum libuv msgpack openssl@1.1 readline xz ca-certificates flyctl gh k9s luajit ncurses pcre2 sqlite youtube-dl exa fzf git kubernetes-cli luv neovim pipx tree-sitter yt-dlp

==> Casks 1password calibre handbrake microsoft-remote-desktop slack adobe-creative-cloud chromium iterm2 microsoft-teams sublime-text alfred dash jetbrains-toolbox notion telegram android-platform-tools docker lens obs visual-studio-code authy firefox microsoft-auto-update parallels-toolbox vlc bartender font-fira-code microsoft-edge postman whatsapp beyond-compare gitkraken microsoft-outlook royal-tsx zoom brave-browser google-chrome microsoft-powerpoint signal