kaushikravikumar / RealtimeTaxiAndroidDemo

PubNub Demo that uses a Publish/Subscribe model to implement a realtime map functionality similar to Lyft/Uber.
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No marker is showing on passenger #1

Open VinodKumarGaur opened 5 years ago

VinodKumarGaur commented 5 years ago

Hi Ravi,

i am following this example but in passenger screen there is no marker is showing and in driver screen there is "Drive to pick spot" message is displayed always.

Please help me.

i want to develop an android app where i can track location of vehicle.

VinodKumarGaur commented 5 years ago

Hi Ravi,

Here nothing happened on app , neither marker moving nor driver screen showing except a message, please reply as soon as possible.

It's a huge help for me.