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I went through the C++ program that converts temperature from Fahrenheit scale to Celcius scale (C++/fah_to_cel_function(CB).cpp) and found an issue in it.
The function fahToCel() has an integer variable c that stores temperature in Celcius. Now, if I convert 100 deg. Fahrenheit to Celcius the output should be 37.78 but due to integer datatype, it is displaying 37.
Hi, I went through the C++ program that converts temperature from Fahrenheit scale to Celcius scale (C++/fah_to_cel_function(CB).cpp) and found an issue in it.
The function fahToCel() has an integer variable c that stores temperature in Celcius. Now, if I convert 100 deg. Fahrenheit to Celcius the output should be 37.78 but due to integer datatype, it is displaying 37.
Fixes: #622