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Pot warning screen #172

Open GoogleCodeExporter opened 8 years ago

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
One common usage for pots (P1-P2-P3) is to adjust some parameter (gyro gain, a 
GVAR used elsewhere, or whatever). The problem is that when you change model or 
even just carry the radio in a bag, they might be moved. 
Due to this, that usage scenario is pretty much cmpromised as there's no way to 
mark the positions.

So... I think it would be nice to add the same thing as the switch warning but 
for pots. One line in the model settings where you choose for which of P1, P2 
and P3 the warning must be enabled, and a "Store" item that will store the 
value for the selected pots when pressed. Something along the lines of
Pot Warning: S 123 
S is the first item so it's easily reachable to set the new setting after a 
flight, 123 turn normal/inverse when enter is pressed to activate the related 
switch or not.

On powerup, a new warning screen shows the values of the active pots and the 
value they should have. Current value is displayed inverse (and warning stays 
active) if value is more than +/- one count off the stored value. When it 
matches it, after some short delay (1s? the goal is not to dismiss the warning 
while the user is setting the pot and just "flys over" the correct value) it 
turns normal. When all active pots are normal, warning goes away. 

Original issue reported on code.google.com by bernet.a...@gmail.com on 26 Dec 2012 at 9:54

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago
This would mimic the behaviour of the mechanical trims on the MPX 4000. At 
startup, and when selecting a model memory, the user has to move the trim 
levers to their previous settings before the regular startup menu can be 

Original comment by m.shel...@gmail.com on 13 Oct 2013 at 11:25

GoogleCodeExporter commented 8 years ago

Please note that this open9x page is deprecated, the firmware was renamed 
openTx and moved here:

This is the matching issue:

Original comment by bernet.a...@gmail.com on 13 Oct 2013 at 11:31