kawasima / redmine_impasse

The redmine plugin for test management.
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Error after installing #223

Open rvaughan62 opened 10 years ago

rvaughan62 commented 10 years ago

We just brought up a new bitnami redmine/ubuntu server on AWS. After installing impasse and adding quite a few test cases we now get errors on accessing the project settings area:

ctionView::Template::Error (undefined method `requirement_tracker' for #<Impasse::Setting id: 1, project_id: 1, bug_tracker_id: nil>):

We've tried uninstall, but this fails with:

Mysql2::Error: Unknown table 'impasse_requirement_issues': DROP TABLE impasse_requirement_issues

Then install fails with:

Mysql2::Error: Table 'impasse_requirement_cases' already exists: CREATE TABLE impasse_requirement_cases (id int(11) DEFAULT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, requirement_id int(11) NOT NULL, test_case_id int(11) NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB

So we see to be in a bit of a can't go back can't go forward situation...


rvaughan62 commented 10 years ago

Some (modest) progress. I created a "fake" table and was able to uninstall and then re-install.

I can now get to the test cases tab on the project, but the settings tab gives an error and this is what's in the log:

ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `impasse_custom_fields_tabs' for #<#Class:0x00000006aa45c8:0x00000006b94b18>):