kawasin73 / prsqlite

Pure Rust implementation of SQLite
Apache License 2.0
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Insert entries #27

Closed kawasin73 closed 10 months ago

kawasin73 commented 11 months ago

As a first step, insert an entry to a table without using free pages.

kawasin73 commented 11 months ago


it uses OP_NewRowid to generate a new rowid.

sqlite> explain insert into example(col1, col2) values (1, 2);
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     8     0                    0   Start at 8
1     OpenWrite      0     2     0     2              0   root=2 iDb=0; example
2     Integer        1     2     0                    0   r[2]=1
3     Integer        2     3     0                    0   r[3]=2
4     NewRowid       0     1     0                    0   r[1]=rowid
5     MakeRecord     2     2     4                    0   r[4]=mkrec(r[2..3])
6     Insert         0     4     1     example        57  intkey=r[1] data=r[4]
7     Halt           0     0     0                    0
8     Transaction    0     1     1     0              1   usesStmtJournal=0
9     Goto           0     1     0                    0


/* Opcode: NewRowid P1 P2 P3 * *
** Synopsis: r[P2]=rowid
** Get a new integer record number (a.k.a "rowid") used as the key to a table.
** The record number is not previously used as a key in the database
** table that cursor P1 points to.  The new record number is written
** written to register P2.
** If P3>0 then P3 is a register in the root frame of this VDBE that holds 
** the largest previously generated record number. No new record numbers are
** allowed to be less than this value. When this value reaches its maximum, 
** an SQLITE_FULL error is generated. The P3 register is updated with the '
** generated record number. This P3 mechanism is used to help implement the
case OP_NewRowid: {           /* out2 */

    /* The next rowid or record number (different terms for the same
    ** thing) is obtained in a two-step algorithm.
    ** First we attempt to find the largest existing rowid and add one
    ** to that.  But if the largest existing rowid is already the maximum
    ** positive integer, we have to fall through to the second
    ** probabilistic algorithm
    ** The second algorithm is to select a rowid at random and see if
    ** it already exists in the table.  If it does not exist, we have
    ** succeeded.  If the random rowid does exist, we select a new one
    ** and try again, up to 100 times.

    if( !pC->useRandomRowid ){
      rc = sqlite3BtreeLast(pC->uc.pCursor, &res);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
        goto abort_due_to_error;
      if( res ){
        v = 1;   /* IMP: R-61914-48074 */
        assert( sqlite3BtreeCursorIsValid(pC->uc.pCursor) );
        v = sqlite3BtreeIntegerKey(pC->uc.pCursor);
        if( v>=MAX_ROWID ){
          pC->useRandomRowid = 1;
          v++;   /* IMP: R-29538-34987 */

If the table is empty, use 1 as the new rowid.

rowid collision is checked by NotExists vdbe operation.

sqlite> explain insert into example(rowid, col1, col2) values (1, 3, 4);
addr  opcode         p1    p2    p3    p4             p5  comment
----  -------------  ----  ----  ----  -------------  --  -------------
0     Init           0     14    0                    0   Start at 14
1     OpenWrite      0     2     0     2              0   root=2 iDb=0; example
2     Integer        3     2     0                    0   r[2]=3
3     Integer        4     3     0                    0   r[3]=4
4     Integer        1     1     0                    0   r[1]=1
5     NotNull        1     7     0                    0   if r[1]!=NULL goto 7
6     NewRowid       0     1     0                    0   r[1]=rowid
7     MustBeInt      1     0     0                    0
8     Noop           0     0     0                    0   uniqueness check for ROWID
9     NotExists      0     11    1                    0   intkey=r[1]
10    Halt           2579  2     0     example.rowid  2
11    MakeRecord     2     2     4                    0   r[4]=mkrec(r[2..3])
12    Insert         0     4     1     example        49  intkey=r[1] data=r[4]
13    Halt           0     0     0                    0
14    Transaction    0     1     1     0              1   usesStmtJournal=0
15    Goto           0     1     0                    0
kawasin73 commented 11 months ago

OP_Insert calls sqlite3BtreeInsert().

  rc = sqlite3BtreeInsert(pC->uc.pCursor, &x,


** Insert a new record into the BTree.  The content of the new record
** is described by the pX object.  The pCur cursor is used only to
** define what table the record should be inserted into, and is left
** pointing at a random location.
** For a table btree (used for rowid tables), only the pX.nKey value of
** the key is used. The pX.pKey value must be NULL.  The pX.nKey is the
** rowid or INTEGER PRIMARY KEY of the row.  The pX.nData,pData,nZero fields
** hold the content of the row.
** For an index btree (used for indexes and WITHOUT ROWID tables), the
** key is an arbitrary byte sequence stored in pX.pKey,nKey.  The 
** pX.pData,nData,nZero fields must be zero.
** If the seekResult parameter is non-zero, then a successful call to
** sqlite3BtreeIndexMoveto() to seek cursor pCur to (pKey,nKey) has already
** been performed.  In other words, if seekResult!=0 then the cursor
** is currently pointing to a cell that will be adjacent to the cell
** to be inserted.  If seekResult<0 then pCur points to a cell that is
** smaller then (pKey,nKey).  If seekResult>0 then pCur points to a cell
** that is larger than (pKey,nKey).
** If seekResult==0, that means pCur is pointing at some unknown location.
** In that case, this routine must seek the cursor to the correct insertion
** point for (pKey,nKey) before doing the insertion.  For index btrees,
** if pX->nMem is non-zero, then pX->aMem contains pointers to the unpacked
** key values and pX->aMem can be used instead of pX->pKey to avoid having
** to decode the key.
int sqlite3BtreeInsert(
  BtCursor *pCur,                /* Insert data into the table of this cursor */
  const BtreePayload *pX,        /* Content of the row to be inserted */
  int flags,                     /* True if this is likely an append */
  int seekResult                 /* Result of prior IndexMoveto() call */

sqlite3BtreeInsert() inserts if entry for the nKey does not exist in the btree, overwrites the entry if exists.

  TRACE(("INSERT: table=%d nkey=%lld ndata=%d page=%d %s\n",
          pCur->pgnoRoot, pX->nKey, pX->nData, pPage->pgno,
          loc==0 ? "overwrite" : "new entry"));

  newCell = p->pBt->pTmpSpace;

  rc = insertCell(pPage, idx, newCell, szNew, 0, 0);

insertCell() puts a content as overflow if the content does not fit in the page but in a new page.

The content exceeds overflow criteria should be trimmed into overflow pages before insertCell() (e.g. fillInCell())

** Insert a new cell on pPage at cell index "i".  pCell points to the
** content of the cell.
** If the cell content will fit on the page, then put it there.  If it
** will not fit, then make a copy of the cell content into pTemp if
** pTemp is not null.  Regardless of pTemp, allocate a new entry
** in pPage->apOvfl[] and make it point to the cell content (either
** in pTemp or the original pCell) and also record its index. 
** Allocating a new entry in pPage->aCell[] implies that 
** pPage->nOverflow is incremented.
static int insertCell(
kawasin73 commented 11 months ago


The thresholds for overflow are calculated at lockBtree() and stored into BtShared.

  /* maxLocal is the maximum amount of payload to store locally for
  ** a cell.  Make sure it is small enough so that at least minFanout
  ** cells can will fit on one page.  We assume a 10-byte page header.
  ** Besides the payload, the cell must store:
  **     2-byte pointer to the cell
  **     4-byte child pointer
  **     9-byte nKey value
  **     4-byte nData value
  **     4-byte overflow page pointer
  ** So a cell consists of a 2-byte pointer, a header which is as much as
  ** 17 bytes long, 0 to N bytes of payload, and an optional 4 byte overflow
  ** page pointer.
  pBt->maxLocal = (u16)((pBt->usableSize-12)*64/255 - 23);
  pBt->minLocal = (u16)((pBt->usableSize-12)*32/255 - 23);
  pBt->maxLeaf = (u16)(pBt->usableSize - 35);
  pBt->minLeaf = (u16)((pBt->usableSize-12)*32/255 - 23);
  if( pBt->maxLocal>127 ){
    pBt->max1bytePayload = 127;
    pBt->max1bytePayload = (u8)pBt->maxLocal;


fillInCell() looks doing the work.

** Create the byte sequence used to represent a cell on page pPage
** and write that byte sequence into pCell[].  Overflow pages are
** allocated and filled in as necessary.  The calling procedure
** is responsible for making sure sufficient space has been allocated
** for pCell[].
** Note that pCell does not necessary need to point to the pPage->aData
** area.  pCell might point to some temporary storage.  The cell will
** be constructed in this temporary area then copied into pPage->aData
** later.
static int fillInCell(

4 bytes round up

Each cell is at least 4 bytes.

git blame -L 6850,6855 -- src/btree.c
Blaming lines: 100% (6/6), done.
6200c88123 (drh 2014-09-23 22:36:25 +0000 6850)     testcase( n==3 );
6200c88123 (drh 2014-09-23 22:36:25 +0000 6851)     testcase( n==4 );
6200c88123 (drh 2014-09-23 22:36:25 +0000 6852)     if( n<4 ) n = 4;
6200c88123 (drh 2014-09-23 22:36:25 +0000 6853)     *pnSize = n;
5e27e1dc49 (drh 2017-08-23 14:45:59 +0000 6854)     assert( nSrc<=nPayload );
5e27e1dc49 (drh 2017-08-23 14:45:59 +0000 6855)     testcase( nSrc<nPayload );

This was introduced by this commit which copy the logic from btreeParseCellPtr().

commit 6200c88123e5933dc81ec132d0c03f8bff86a07b
Author: drh <drh@noemail.net>
Date:   Tue Sep 23 22:36:25 2014 +0000

    Avoid calling btreeParseCellPtr() from within fillInCell() since most of
    what btreeParseCellPtr() computes is ignored by fillInCell().  Instead, have
    fillInCell() compute the values it needs inline.  Performance improvement.

    FossilOrigin-Name: 4147f6671e3faa8ddffab8387a6c7d9b5b962fc8

The original one looks to be introduced by this commit.

commit 9e572e608fd19ca7b173808061282304d16dd8b0
Author: drh <drh@noemail.net>
Date:   Fri Apr 23 23:43:10 2004 +0000

    Begin modifying the BTree code for the new version-3 file format.
    This is a work-in-progress.
    As of this check-in, SQLite will not build. (CVS 1306)

    FossilOrigin-Name: ce0bbd3a7159e12c86c5cde6571d6668b234827b


According to the commit difference, the cells in pages were 4 byte aligned before.

** All structures on a database page are aligned to 4-byte boundries.
** This routine rounds up a number of bytes to the next multiple of 4.
** This might need to change for computer architectures that require
** and 8-byte alignment boundry for structures.
#define ROUNDUP(X)  ((X+3) & ~3)

But from the version 3, There is no longer 4 byte alignment. But instead, minimal size allocation is 4 bytes because freeblock requires at least 4 bytes. freeSpace() expect each space to freed was allocated by allocateSpace() and has at least 4 bytes.

Cells in table pages must be at least 4 bytes ([payload length varint] [key varint] [record header size varint] [header of a column varint]). But index cells can be 3 bytes: ([payload length varint] [record header size varint] [header of a column varint (NULL, 1, 0)]).

There can be fragmented space which is less than 3 bytes when a freeblock is used for a new cell which has 1~3 bytes less than the freeblock. Those are counted as fragmented bytes and saved in the page header.

** Unused space within a btree page is collected into a linked list of
** freeblocks.  Each freeblock is at least 4 bytes in size.  The byte offset
** to the first freeblock is given in the header.  Freeblocks occur in
** increasing order.  Because a freeblock is 4 bytes in size, the minimum
** size allocation on a btree page is 4 bytes.  Because a freeblock must be
** at least 4 bytes in size, any group of 3 or fewer unused bytes cannot
** exist on the freeblock chain.  The total number of such fragmented bytes
** is recorded in the page header at offset 5.
kawasin73 commented 11 months ago


The main logic is in balance() called from sqlite3BtreeInsert().

  /* If no error has occurred and pPage has an overflow cell, call balance() 
  ** to redistribute the cells within the tree. Since balance() may move
  ** the cursor, zero the BtCursor.info.nSize and BTCF_ValidNKey
  ** variables.
  ** Previous versions of SQLite called moveToRoot() to move the cursor
  ** back to the root page as balance() used to invalidate the contents
  ** of BtCursor.apPage[] and BtCursor.aiIdx[]. Instead of doing that,
  ** set the cursor state to "invalid". This makes common insert operations
  ** slightly faster.
  ** There is a subtle but important optimization here too. When inserting
  ** multiple records into an intkey b-tree using a single cursor (as can
  ** happen while processing an "INSERT INTO ... SELECT" statement), it
  ** is advantageous to leave the cursor pointing to the last entry in
  ** the b-tree if possible. If the cursor is left pointing to the last
  ** entry in the table, and the next row inserted has an integer key
  ** larger than the largest existing key, it is possible to insert the
  ** row without seeking the cursor. This can be a big performance boost.
  pCur->info.nSize = 0;
  if( pPage->nOverflow ){
    assert( rc==SQLITE_OK );
    pCur->curFlags &= ~(BTCF_ValidNKey);
    rc = balance(pCur);

    /* Must make sure nOverflow is reset to zero even if the balance()
    ** fails. Internal data structure corruption will result otherwise. 
    ** Also, set the cursor state to invalid. This stops saveCursorPosition()
    ** from trying to save the current position of the cursor.  */
    pCur->pPage->nOverflow = 0;
    pCur->eState = CURSOR_INVALID;
    if( (flags & BTREE_SAVEPOSITION) && rc==SQLITE_OK ){
      if( pCur->pKeyInfo ){
        assert( pCur->pKey==0 );
        pCur->pKey = sqlite3Malloc( pX->nKey );
        if( pCur->pKey==0 ){
          rc = SQLITE_NOMEM;
          memcpy(pCur->pKey, pX->pKey, pX->nKey);
      pCur->eState = CURSOR_REQUIRESEEK;
      pCur->nKey = pX->nKey;
** The page that pCur currently points to has just been modified in
** some way. This function figures out if this modification means the
** tree needs to be balanced, and if so calls the appropriate balancing 
** routine. Balancing routines are:
**   balance_quick()
**   balance_deeper()
**   balance_nonroot()
static int balance(BtCursor *pCur){
          /* In this case, call balance_nonroot() to redistribute cells
          ** between pPage and up to 2 of its sibling pages. This involves
          ** modifying the contents of pParent, which may cause pParent to
          ** become overfull or underfull. The next iteration of the do-loop
          ** will balance the parent page to correct this.
          ** If the parent page becomes overfull, the overflow cell or cells
          ** are stored in the pSpace buffer allocated immediately below. 
          ** A subsequent iteration of the do-loop will deal with this by
          ** calling balance_nonroot() (balance_deeper() may be called first,
          ** but it doesn't deal with overflow cells - just moves them to a
          ** different page). Once this subsequent call to balance_nonroot() 
          ** has completed, it is safe to release the pSpace buffer used by
          ** the previous call, as the overflow cell data will have been 
          ** copied either into the body of a database page or into the new
          ** pSpace buffer passed to the latter call to balance_nonroot().
          u8 *pSpace = sqlite3PageMalloc(pCur->pBt->pageSize);
          rc = balance_nonroot(pParent, iIdx, pSpace, iPage==1,
          if( pFree ){
            /* If pFree is not NULL, it points to the pSpace buffer used 
            ** by a previous call to balance_nonroot(). Its contents are
            ** now stored either on real database pages or within the 
            ** new pSpace buffer, so it may be safely freed here. */

          /* The pSpace buffer will be freed after the next call to
          ** balance_nonroot(), or just before this function returns, whichever
          ** comes first. */
          pFree = pSpace;


** This routine redistributes cells on the iParentIdx'th child of pParent
** (hereafter "the page") and up to 2 siblings so that all pages have about the
** same amount of free space. Usually a single sibling on either side of the
** page are used in the balancing, though both siblings might come from one
** side if the page is the first or last child of its parent. If the page 
** has fewer than 2 siblings (something which can only happen if the page
** is a root page or a child of a root page) then all available siblings
** participate in the balancing.
** The number of siblings of the page might be increased or decreased by 
** one or two in an effort to keep pages nearly full but not over full. 
** Note that when this routine is called, some of the cells on the page
** might not actually be stored in MemPage.aData[]. This can happen
** if the page is overfull. This routine ensures that all cells allocated
** to the page and its siblings fit into MemPage.aData[] before returning.
** In the course of balancing the page and its siblings, cells may be
** inserted into or removed from the parent page (pParent). Doing so
** may cause the parent page to become overfull or underfull. If this
** happens, it is the responsibility of the caller to invoke the correct
** balancing routine to fix this problem (see the balance() routine). 
** If this routine fails for any reason, it might leave the database
** in a corrupted state. So if this routine fails, the database should
** be rolled back.
** The third argument to this function, aOvflSpace, is a pointer to a
** buffer big enough to hold one page. If while inserting cells into the parent
** page (pParent) the parent page becomes overfull, this buffer is
** used to store the parent's overflow cells. Because this function inserts
** a maximum of four divider cells into the parent page, and the maximum
** size of a cell stored within an internal node is always less than 1/4
** of the page-size, the aOvflSpace[] buffer is guaranteed to be large
** enough for all overflow cells.
** If aOvflSpace is set to a null pointer, this function returns 
static int balance_nonroot(

balance_nonroot() is a long function...

In this following block, it packs cells from the left-most sibling page.

  ** Figure out the number of pages needed to hold all b.nCell cells.
  ** Store this number in "k".  Also compute szNew[] which is the total
  ** size of all cells on the i-th page and cntNew[] which is the index
  ** in b.apCell[] of the cell that divides page i from page i+1.  
  ** cntNew[k] should equal b.nCell.
  ** Values computed by this block:
  **           k: The total number of sibling pages
  **    szNew[i]: Spaced used on the i-th sibling page.
  **   cntNew[i]: Index in b.apCell[] and b.szCell[] for the first cell to
  **              the right of the i-th sibling page.
  ** usableSpace: Number of bytes of space available on each sibling.

This is to make all pages have at least one cell.

  ** The packing computed by the previous block is biased toward the siblings
  ** on the left side (siblings with smaller keys). The left siblings are
  ** always nearly full, while the right-most sibling might be nearly empty.
  ** The next block of code attempts to adjust the packing of siblings to
  ** get a better balance.
  ** This adjustment is more than an optimization.  The packing above might
  ** be so out of balance as to be illegal.  For example, the right-most
  ** sibling might be completely empty.  This adjustment is not optional.

pages are sorted in page id order so that sequential search of btree become faster.

  ** Reassign page numbers so that the new pages are in ascending order. 
  ** This helps to keep entries in the disk file in order so that a scan
  ** of the table is closer to a linear scan through the file. That in turn 
  ** helps the operating system to deliver pages from the disk more rapidly.
  ** An O(N*N) sort algorithm is used, but since N is never more than NB+2
  ** (5), that is not a performance concern.
  ** When NB==3, this one optimization makes the database about 25% faster 
  ** for large insertions and deletions.
  /* Now update the actual sibling pages. The order in which they are updated
  ** is important, as this code needs to avoid disrupting any page from which
  ** cells may still to be read. In practice, this means:
  **  (1) If cells are moving left (from apNew[iPg] to apNew[iPg-1])
  **      then it is not safe to update page apNew[iPg] until after
  **      the left-hand sibling apNew[iPg-1] has been updated.
  **  (2) If cells are moving right (from apNew[iPg] to apNew[iPg+1])
  **      then it is not safe to update page apNew[iPg] until after
  **      the right-hand sibling apNew[iPg+1] has been updated.
  ** If neither of the above apply, the page is safe to update.
  ** The iPg value in the following loop starts at nNew-1 goes down
  ** to 0, then back up to nNew-1 again, thus making two passes over
  ** the pages.  On the initial downward pass, only condition (1) above
  ** needs to be tested because (2) will always be true from the previous
  ** step.  On the upward pass, both conditions are always true, so the
  ** upwards pass simply processes pages that were missed on the downward
  ** pass.