kawre / leetcode.nvim

A Neovim plugin enabling you to solve LeetCode problems.
MIT License
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Unable to switch default language #110

Open Matblanket opened 1 week ago

Matblanket commented 1 week ago

Changing language in the default config to golang doesn't get reflected and new problems are always opened in cpp.

---@type lc.lang
lang = "golang",

Currently manually setting language to go via :Leet lang

kawre commented 4 days ago

Can I see your whole leetcode.nvim config in your package manager?

Matblanket commented 4 days ago

Here's my config:

        build = ":TSUpdate html",
        dependencies = {
            "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", -- required by telescope

            -- optional
        opts = {
                ---@type string
                arg = "leetcode.nvim",

                ---@type lc.lang
                lang = "golang",

                cn = { -- leetcode.cn
                    enabled = false, ---@type boolean
                    translator = true, ---@type boolean
                    translate_problems = true, ---@type boolean

                ---@type lc.storage
                storage = {
                    home = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/leetcode",
                    cache = vim.fn.stdpath("cache") .. "/leetcode",

                ---@type table<string, boolean>
                plugins = {
                    non_standalone = false,

                ---@type boolean
                logging = true,

                injector = {}, ---@type table<lc.lang, lc.inject>

                cache = {
                    update_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, ---@type integer 7 days

                console = {
                    open_on_runcode = true, ---@type boolean

                    dir = "row", ---@type lc.direction

                    size = { ---@type lc.size
                        width = "90%",
                        height = "75%",

                    result = {
                        size = "60%", ---@type lc.size

                    testcase = {
                        virt_text = true, ---@type boolean

                        size = "40%", ---@type lc.size

                description = {
                    position = "left", ---@type lc.position

                    width = "40%", ---@type lc.size

                    show_stats = true, ---@type boolean

                hooks = {
                    ---@type fun()[]
                    ["enter"] = {},

                    ---@type fun(question: lc.ui.Question)[]
                    ["question_enter"] = {},

                    ---@type fun()[]
                    ["leave"] = {},

                keys = {
                    toggle = { "q" }, ---@type string|string[]
                    confirm = { "<CR>" }, ---@type string|string[]

                    reset_testcases = "r", ---@type string
                    use_testcase = "U", ---@type string
                    focus_testcases = "H", ---@type string
                    focus_result = "L", ---@type string

                ---@type lc.highlights
                theme = {},

                ---@type boolean
                image_support = false,

I sometimes get put into the go environment instead of my mentioned issue, I cant seem to pin down why.

kawre commented 3 days ago

Opts are nested within unnecessary pair of brackets. Make it so there is only one pair of them

Matblanket commented 1 day ago

I have made the change, I'll let you know if the issue has been resolved after some usage. Kinda curious as to why if my opts were not being applied, the language would sometimes still open in go other times in cpp. Maybe because I had previously set the Lang variable to go in the same session, I'm unsure.

Regardless thanks for your help, this amazing plugin, and all your work <3