kawre / leetcode.nvim

A Neovim plugin enabling you to solve LeetCode problems.
MIT License
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Rust_Analyzer doesn't provide LSP completion #86

Closed GustavoJCL closed 5 months ago

GustavoJCL commented 5 months ago

Hi, when I try to solve any problem using Rust the lsp completion doesn't work, there a capture of another project of rust: image but in leetcode.nvim it didn't work:


there the LspInfo of this problem, it seems the standalone mode is running and the formatting also works, but the issue is just with completion image this is my config of leetcode.nvim

    lazy = leet_arg ~= vim.fn.argv()[1],
    build = ":TSUpdate html",
    dependencies = {
      "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim", -- required by telescope

      -- optional
    opts = {
      arg = leet_arg,
      lang = "rust",
      -- directory = "/media/gus/proyectos/leetcode/",
      ---@type boolean
      image_support = true,
      ---@type lc.storage
      storage = {
        home = vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. "/leetcode",
        cache = vim.fn.stdpath "cache" .. "/leetcode",
      ---@type boolean
      logging = true,
      ---@type table<string, boolean>
      plugins = {
        non_standalone = false,

      console = {
        open_on_runcode = true, ---@type boolean

        dir = "row", ---@type lc.direction

        size = { ---@type lc.size
          width = "90%",
          height = "75%",

        result = {
          size = "60%", ---@type lc.size

        testcase = {
          virt_text = true, ---@type boolean

          size = "40%", ---@type lc.size

      description = {
        position = "left", ---@type lc.position
        width = "40%", ---@type lc.size
        show_stats = true, ---@type boolean
      injector = {}, ---@type table<lc.lang, lc.inject>
      cache = {
        update_interval = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7, ---@type integer 7 days
      keys = {
        toggle = { "q" }, ---@type string|string[]
        confirm = { "<CR>" }, ---@type string|string[]

        reset_testcases = "r", ---@type string
        use_testcase = "U", ---@type string
        focus_testcases = "H", ---@type string
        focus_result = "L", ---@type string

I tried with other languages like c/c++ and java, in this languages it works fine: image

kawre commented 5 months ago

It's a lsp related issue. You might have to add some root markers like rust-project.json

GustavoJCL commented 5 months ago

ok, but what should i add in this file? I found a config like this, but it didn't worked:

  "rust-analyzer.linkedProjects": [
      "sysroot_src": "/home/gus/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library/",
      "crates": [
          "root_module": "*.rs",
          "edition": "2021",
          "deps": [],
zakissimo commented 5 months ago

I think you can't use '*' in your rust-project.json, that's why it wont work for you but take a look at this issue. I yoinked the sh script. Put it in the leetcode folder. Run it after your problem file has been created and it will generate the rust-project.json for you.


for f in *.rs; do
    crates="${crates}${next}{\"root_module\": \"$f\",\"edition\": \"2021\",\"deps\": []}"

sysroot_src="$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib/rustlib/src/rust/library"

echo "{\"sysroot_src\": \"$sysroot_src\", \"crates\": [$crates]}" | jq '.' >rust-project.json

Maybe you can create a job in neovim that does that for you automatically after a problem is loaded + restart the lsp ? (I'll try and look into that later maybe?)

GustavoJCL commented 5 months ago

thanks, it works fine, i just restarted the lsp and work perfectly

GustavoJCL commented 5 months ago

i added this to the kooks part in my config of leetcode:

hooks = {
        ---@type fun(question: lc.ui.Question)[]
        ["question_enter"] = {
            -- os.execute "sleep 1"
            local file_extension = vim.fn.expand "%:e"
            if file_extension == "rs" then
              local bash_script = tostring(vim.fn.stdpath "data" .. "/leetcode/rust_init.sh")
              local success, error_message = os.execute(bash_script)
              if success then
                print "Successfully updated rust-project.json"
                vim.cmd "LspRestart rust_analyzer"
                print("Failed update rust-project.json. Error: " .. error_message)
mbwilding commented 3 months ago

Sorry to necro bump but if you want to do this in pure lua, without a shell script or needing jq, so your config is portable, under hooks

["question_enter"] = {
        local file_extension = vim.fn.expand("%:e")
        if file_extension == "rs" then
            local target_dir = vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "/leetcode"
            local output_file = target_dir .. "/rust-project.json"

            if vim.fn.isdirectory(target_dir) == 1 then
                local crates = ""
                local next = ""

                local rs_files = vim.fn.globpath(target_dir, "*.rs", false, true)
                for _, f in ipairs(rs_files) do
                    local file_path = f
                    crates = crates ..
                        next ..
                        "{\"root_module\": \"" .. file_path .. "\",\"edition\": \"2021\",\"deps\": []}"
                    next = ","

                if crates == "" then
                    print("No .rs files found in directory: " .. target_dir)

                local sysroot_src = vim.fn.system("rustc --print sysroot"):gsub("\n", "") ..

                local json_content = "{\"sysroot_src\": \"" ..
                    sysroot_src .. "\", \"crates\": [" .. crates .. "]}"

                local file = io.open(output_file, "w")
                if file then

                    local clients = vim.lsp.get_clients()
                    local rust_analyzer_attached = false
                    for _, client in ipairs(clients) do
                        if client.name == "rust_analyzer" then
                            rust_analyzer_attached = true

                    if rust_analyzer_attached then
                        vim.cmd("LspRestart rust_analyzer")
                    print("Failed to open file: " .. output_file)
                print("Directory " .. target_dir .. " does not exist.")