kayak / pypika

PyPika is a python SQL query builder that exposes the full richness of the SQL language using a syntax that reflects the resulting query. PyPika excels at all sorts of SQL queries but is especially useful for data analysis.
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How to order by distance? #778

Closed nlassaux closed 6 months ago

nlassaux commented 6 months ago

I'm using distance operators in the ORDER BY, because those use geographic indexes better than their function equivalents:

    house h
    ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(%s, %s), 4326) <-> h.point

Unfortunately, I don't seem to find a correct way to define that custom distance. It looks like defining a custom function assumes a prefix expression notation function_name(param1, param2), when I'd like a postfix version.

Has anyone covered a similar case? Thanks!

wd60622 commented 6 months ago

What is the function here that doesn't meet the syntax function_name(param1, param2)?

CustomFunction seems to cover the two I see in your example

nlassaux commented 6 months ago

In that case it's the operator A <-> B that'd need to be computed. The functions before are all right, sorry :)

wd60622 commented 6 months ago

For that, I think you can get away with a custom ArithmeticExpression from pypika.terms. It'd be similar to how the primary operations are defined

left = ... # custom functions right = ... # point column order_by = ArithmeticExpression("<->", left, right)

# define query


ArithmeticExpression is used with enum which has a value attribute. A simple wrapper class can be used to have same attribute

from pypika import CustomFunction, Field, Query
from pypika.terms import ArithmeticExpression

class NewOperation: 
    value: str = "<->"

ST_SetSRID  = CustomFunction("ST_SetSRID", ["col", "value"])
ST_MakePoint = CustomFunction("ST_MakePoint", ["left", "right"])

left = ST_SetSRID(ST_MakePoint(Field("left"), Field("right")), 4326)
right = Field("point")
orderby = ArithmeticExpression(NewOperation, left, right)

query = Query.from_("house").select("id").orderby(orderby)
nlassaux commented 6 months ago

That's exactly what's needed, thanks! It would be great if it was in the doc, so I opened a PR to add that: #779

nlassaux commented 6 months ago

Issue solved!