kayali436 / Coursework-Planner-CYF

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[PD] What do you think? #105

Open kayali436 opened 1 year ago

kayali436 commented 1 year ago

From Module-JS1 created by kfklein15: CodeYourFuture/Module-JS1#41

Coursework content

Use critical thinking skills to answer a client’s request on a web page you developed.

Estimated time in hours


What is the purpose of this assignment?

A client requested the navigation bar at the bottom of their web page. Research what best practice is and why this would be a good, a bad or a neutral idea.

These are the tips to help you write it:

How to submit

kayali436 commented 11 months ago


link to doc

kroker42 commented 6 months ago


Karam, you have some good thoughts on pro and cons of the navigation bar placement. I like that you end with a conclusion/recommendation.

However, your good analysis and insights drown in basic grammar and spelling issues. Please use grammarly and spelling tools - it distracts from your otherwise well-written text.

The text otherwise flows well. You don't need to complicate it by adding fancy words. Less is more. Just use grammarly before submitting.

Please go back and fix the punctuation and spelling. Move the ticket back to In Progress, and then to In Review when the issues have been corrected.

kayali436 commented 6 months ago

I have fixed the punctuation and spelling. thank you

kroker42 commented 6 months ago

Thanks for going back to this. There’s still some issues with full stops (missing spaces before them), but it’s minor. Please remain aware of punctuation, it really does help make the text easier to read.

Please move to Done.