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[TECH ED] What is React #218

Open kayali436 opened 5 months ago

kayali436 commented 5 months ago

From Module-JS3 created by SallyMcGrath: CodeYourFuture/Module-JS3#14

Link to the coursework


Why are we doing this?

  1. Watch the attached video. You can stop watching at 11:06 (the rest is unnecessary)

  2. Write your answers as a comment on your ticket on your board.

  3. In the comment, answer these questions in ONE sentence:

A. What does he say the "best description of React is"? B. What does he say "could be a component"? C. What does he say is the benefit of using JSX? D. What makes React fast?

Maximum time in hours (Tech has max 16 per week total)


How to get help

Share your blockers in your class channel. https://syllabus.codeyourfuture.io/guides/asking-questions

How to submit

Write your answers as a comment on your ticket on your board.

kayali436 commented 5 months ago

A. What does he say the "best description of React is"? A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

B. What does he say "could be a component"? areas on the webpage example searchbar, buttons, cards,

C. What does he say is the benefit of using JSX? better way to interact with the DOM

D. What makes React fast? fast page updates and speed and efficiency