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habitable planets beyond our solar system #1

Open kayeezsmile opened 9 months ago

kayeezsmile commented 9 months ago


What are the 4 factors that make a planet habitable? It is the right distance from the Sun, it is protected from harmful solar radiation by its magnetic field, it is kept warm by an insulating atmosphere, and it has the right chemical ingredients for life, including water and carbon.

kayeezsmile commented 9 months ago

Our challenge

SUMMARY Are we alone in the universe? To address this question, NASA’s next flagship space telescope, the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), will search for habitable planets beyond our solar system. What do you think these worlds will look like? Your challenge is to use publicly available information on habitable worlds to design your own habitable world and write about what life might be like on it.

BACKGROUND At some point, we all look at the beautiful night sky and wonder “What is beyond the stars?” Such a question led to the creation of some of NASA’s greatest flagship missions, including the Hubble Space Telescope, the Voyager Spacecraft, the Cassini-Huygens Spacecraft, and most recently, the James Webb Space Telescope. As we learn more about the Sun, stars, and universe, we unearth more questions. Astronomers and other scientists have always entertained a common question: “Are we alone in the universe?” NASA seeks to find a verdict with its next space telescope, the Habitable Worlds Observatory (HWO), which will image and characterize hundreds of exoplanet candidates beyond our solar system to determine if there really is life in other corners of the universe.

Because the universe has infinitely unique possibilities, there exist infinitely unique planets. NASA telescopes have discovered planets that are hotter than our Sun, a planet with the density of a marshmallow (TOI-3757 b), a planet with clouds made of glass (HD 189733 b), and even rarer—planets that are similar to our home planet, Earth. Publicly available information about habitable worlds can be used to predict the types of planets the Habitable Worlds Observatory may discover.

OBJECTIVES Your challenge is to use publicly available information on habitable worlds to design your own habitable world and write about what life might be like on it. As you create your very own habitable exoplanet, think about how life exists on Earth, and how our Sun and solar system make life on Earth possible. Remember that although strange and non-Earth-like planets do exist, they cannot sustain biological life as we know it!

HWO might eventually discover a vast number of very diverse habitable exoplanets! Can you creatively combine NASA data about exoplanets and habitable worlds with your imagination to envision what one of those worlds might look like?

POTENTIAL CONSIDERATIONS As you design your planet, you may (but are not required to) consider the following:

Be creative! Get inspired by different forms of media. Paint with the facts: Use NASA’s publicly available scientific data (see Resources) to create a realistic, original, habitable world. Think about living on your planet. Is it too hot, too cold, or just right? How much water is available? What does the surface of your planet look like? The solution to this challenge can be adapted to beginner, intermediate, and advanced levels of data and design experience. Everyone is welcome! For example, consider the following approaches: Earth Level: Name and hand-draw a picture of a habitable exoplanet and write a short paragraph about what it would be like to live on it. Neptune Level: Name and create a detailed picture, 3D rendering, and/or AI-generated image of a habitable exoplanet and write a 200-word passage about what it would be like to realistically (based on the types of technology we currently have or expect to have in the future) or fictionally (technology at the fantasy level) live on it. Jupiter Level: Name and create a detailed picture, 3D rendering, and/or AI-generated image of a habitable exoplanet, and based on astrobiological concepts, develop a 500-word passage about what it would be like to realistically live on it. For data and resources related to this challenge, refer to the Resources tab at the top of the page.

kayeezsmile commented 9 months ago


also cross verify with nasa definition - https://seec.gsfc.nasa.gov/what_makes_a_planet_habitable.html


DmytroYavir commented 9 months ago

Our team has developed a groundbreaking website dedicated to showcasing various exoplanets and their unique characteristics. This innovative platform offers users the opportunity to explore a diverse array of celestial bodies, each accompanied by essential information such as temperature, size, magnitude, and more.

What sets our website apart is its interactive feature, allowing users to virtually interact with specific exoplanets. When selecting a planet of interest, the website provides a vivid image of the chosen celestial body and offers a captivating 200-word passage. This passage presents a vivid portrayal of what life would realistically be like on the chosen exoplanet, considering both the technology available today and what we might expect in the future. Additionally, for those seeking an extra touch of fantasy, we also offer imaginative depictions of life on these exoplanets with technology beyond our current capabilities.

With our website, we aim to ignite curiosity and inspire wonder about the vast expanse of our universe. Whether you're a science enthusiast or a dreamer of interstellar adventures, our platform offers an exciting and educational journey into the realms of exoplanets, making the cosmos more accessible and engaging for all. Explore, learn, and imagine the possibilities of life beyond our own planet with our interactive exoplanet showcase.