kayleehou / myproject

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CSP Reflection #47

Open kayleehou opened 1 year ago

kayleehou commented 1 year ago

I have learned how to complete a Full Stack. From implementing CRUD and using data structures in projects to deploying, and fetching the backend API using POST/GET/PUT methods, I have definitely improved with each month in this class. Beyond just the technicals, I have also been learning more and more about how to use a SCRUM board and be an effective Scrum leader by following Agile Methodology.

Working with a group is definitely challenging, and I have never been super great at it, especially in the beginning of the year, I found it really challenging to work with my group and saw them as an obstacle rather than a benefit. When I stayed after school for hours to work on the Night at the Museum project, that was the first time I realized how passionate and dedicated I was towards CompSci. In the following trimesters, I learned from my mistakes and even ended up becoming friends with my group mates, still talking to them and waving hi in hallways long after the trimester ended. Collaboration and communication is such an integral part of whatever job your in, I’m glad I learned how to improve in these skills. Not only have I learned how to problem solve, use the resources around me, and persevere through frustrating bugs, I have learned how to become more confident in myself and focus on my own unique journey, rather than obsess over the people around me.

I have decided to major in Computer Science/Computer Engineering at USC in 2024, and I’m sure there will be a lot of challenges but I’m ready to work hard and I know with the right mindset, I can become a great engineer. My dream job would be to work as some sort of engineer (maybe data related) at Spotify in the future. I’m a big music lover and love to make music in my free time, as you could probably tell from this trimester’s passion project, so working there would be a culmination of everything I enjoy.
