kaymen99 / Robot-arm-control-with-RL

Robot arm control using reinforcement learning algorithms : DDPG and TD3 with hindsight experience replay (HER)
MIT License
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hello #3

Open muyi112233 opened 3 months ago

muyi112233 commented 3 months ago

Hello, I'm very interested in this repository, but I didn't run it correctly, can you tell me your running environment, the version of the package used, thank you very much

kaymen99 commented 3 months ago


Thanks for your interest in my project, in response to your query, I trained and run the RL models in the google Colab environment using Python 3.10.12. For the gym environment, I utilized panda-gym version 3.0.7 and installed the new gymnasium package (version 0.29.1) instead of the gym package.

Below is the exact installation command I used:

pip install panda-gym gymnasium pybullet gymnasium[mujoco]

Unfortunately, i lost the trained models files so you I can't provide them to you but you can still use the training script to retrain the model on your specific environment.

I hope this information is helpful.