kaystrobach / TYPO3.piwikintegration

Piwik backend integration for TYPO3
GNU General Public License v2.0
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"Please select a page in the pagetree" #49

Closed superscotty19 closed 5 years ago

superscotty19 commented 9 years ago

Hi again,

I love this extension so much that I want to make it the default start page for users when they login to TYPO3 backend. However, even though I've set the TSConfig to have:

setup.defaults.startModule = web_PiwikintegrationMod2 setup.override.startModule = web_PiwikintegrationMod2

... all I get upon login is:

"Please select a page in the pagetree"

Is there a way to give Piwikintegration the ability to know the user's DB mount/site root and automatically redirect to it?

Thanks! -Scott.

kaystrobach commented 9 years ago

i need to think about it ...

basicly there are 2 options:

imho the last one is the way to go, but i do not know a way to do that in TYPO3

pgampe commented 9 years ago

AFAIK this is a missing feature in TYPO3. The same problem arises with page and list module (actually any web module) and the file list.

DavidBruchmann commented 9 years ago

If like that the values stored in the uc field are taken. So the first page the message is shown because the page opens the page uid=0, later it opens then the last chosen page. Means it's a user setting and might be influenced perhaps by userTS or pageTS? Assumed that was is not possible there still is the general option using hooks, but I don't know which one or even if a hook for this purpose exists.

On Wed, Jun 17, 2015 at 11:36 PM, Philipp Gampe notifications@github.com wrote:

AFAIK this is a missing feature in TYPO3. The same problem arises with page and list module (actually any web module) and the file list.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/kaystrobach/TYPO3.piwikintegration/issues/49#issuecomment-112871233 .

superscotty19 commented 9 years ago

An idea ... If I right click -> "view frame source" on the right/piwik frame in TYPO3, I get a link like this: http://mysite.ca/typo3conf/piwik/piwik/index.php?module=CoreHome&action=index&period=week&date=yesterday&idSite=1#/module=Dashboard&action=embeddedIndex&period=week&date=yesterday&idSite=1&idDashboard=1

If I replace idSite=1 with my root page PID (ex. idSite=929), then it works. Again, this is a manual intervention, but my idea is, what if the URL could be changed by piwik? That is, before constructing the URL to display in the frame, it performed a DB lookup to get the root page and then pass that to idSite?

I agree that this can't be done in TYPO3 ... I'm wondering if it could just be coded into the extension?

kaystrobach commented 9 years ago

as @pgampe said, this is a TYPO3 problem. Maybe you should open a Ticket in the TYPO3 tracker.

IMHO there are 2 ways, which can / will solve that in CMS 7:

with autoselection i have several concerns:

So this needs some detailed plan.

kaystrobach commented 9 years ago

@superscotty19 how about an integration in the CMS 7 Dashboard?

superscotty19 commented 8 years ago

(Sorry for delayed response) After attempting a massive upgrade from 4.5 LTS to 6.2 LTS to 7.6 LTS, my company concluded that 7.6 is not ready for prime time because it essentially nullifies most extensions with incompatibilities between them. So, we're sticking with 6.2. No matter, we've shifted our focus so that Statistics is not on the dashboard but still accessible via standard ways. Users are fine with this. Thanks again for your efforts to bring Piwik to TYPO3!