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Updating workflows #157

Closed ADorigi closed 4 weeks ago

ADorigi commented 1 month ago


Fixes #136 For the end user, there are no noticeable changes. The main workflow has been updated internally without altering its results. Additionally, the workflows homebrew-bump-debug and dev.yaml have been replaced by pre-release.yaml and test.yaml. The goreleaser.yml configuration and the accompanying Makefile have also been modified to extend their usage beyond the main workflow. Now, the goreleaser.yml configuration serves as a single source of truth for all builds.

Scope of the Pull Request

Summary of changes

The new steps which will trigger the release workflow:

The new steps which will trigger the pre-release workflow:

The new steps which will trigger the test workflow:

Test Workflow for Repository Updates

  1. Duplicate Branch:

  2. Make Changes and Test:

  3. Create and Push Tag for Release:

  4. Trigger Pre-release Manually:

  5. Simulate Change and Test:

    • Simulated a change in the branch and pushed it, triggering the test workflow.
  6. Create and Push Tag for Pre-release:

What type of PR(Pull Request) is this?

ADorigi commented 1 month ago

Please let me know if I can elaborate on any piece of the PR.

In regards to the GH_TOKEN, I believe we would need to keep using the same. Internal token only provides us access to the components of the current repository. Since our Homebrew Tap is a different repository, a PAT, similar to the one we are currently using, would be more suitable in this scenario.

ADorigi commented 1 month ago

Hello @artaasadi , responding to your comment on #150 As pointed out by Saleh, we will eventually shift to completely automated process for the releases. But while we are developing the other parts, this solution gives us control of the release with manual tag push. We can easily bring back the tag generation step if required. Nevertheless, let me know if you would like me to revert this.

ADorigi commented 1 month ago

Todo: Modifying dev pipeline for nightly and prerelease builds

ADorigi commented 4 weeks ago

Pre-release workflow configured for nightly and pre-release builds. A new workflow was created for the test workflow.

salehkhazaei commented 4 weeks ago