kazajhodo / launcher

Multitasking bash script to make switching projects and php versions easier, as well as Pantheon site deployment.
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Add terminus deploy functionality. #7

Closed kazajhodo closed 4 years ago

kazajhodo commented 4 years ago

Allow to pass site.env, by default push code from site.dev to test to live if no .env passed.

kazajhodo commented 4 years ago

Can fire multiple terminus commands in a row with '&&'.

Such as: terminus drush aai.dev cim && terminus drush aai.dev cr

Need to figure out how to pass automatic '-y' with cim command. Shouldn't be too hard.

Also will need to break out commands somehow, such as a straight pass-through vs per environment for a test. Likely with a -test parameter or something.

Likely this will be tricky.

kazajhodo commented 4 years ago

Done, in release 1.0.3.