kazasiki / omniauth-line

omniauth Line strategy
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How do you suggest making the button to initiate the login? #36

Open mathieujobin opened 2 years ago

mathieujobin commented 2 years ago

it would be useful if the doc included an example, or the gem had an helper to create a sign-in button.

this is what I am doing thus far

<div style="text-align: center;">
  <%= button_to 'Sign in via Line', "https://access.line.me/oauth2/v2.1/authorize",
                id: 'button_line', params: {
                  response_type: 'code',
                  client_id: ENV['LINE_CHANNEL_ID'],
                  redirect_uri: ENV['LINE_CALLBACK_URL'],
                  state: SecureRandom.hex(16),
                  nonce: SecureRandom.hex(16),
                  scope: "profile openid"
                } %>

but I am getting a 405 Method Not allowed from Line, I don't know why yet...