kazeraniman / CourseEquivalencyDesktop

A desktop application to manage equivalent courses for exchange students. Created for my father and used as an excuse learn how to develop a Windows desktop application since I have not touched it since Windows Forms. This project uses Avalonia UI.
MIT License
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Determine App Update System #32

Closed kazeraniman closed 2 weeks ago

kazeraniman commented 2 weeks ago

There needs to be a way for the app to be updated over time as new functionality and bug fixes get added. Ideally this will be automatically updated, but at the very least you should be able to get a new installer (whether downloaded or given manually) and running it should update the app.


kazeraniman commented 2 weeks ago

When I was working on #14 it became a good option to use the Microsoft Store update system for natural upgrades. This was tested with the last two releases and updates work as expected so not only has an update system been selected, it is implemented and confirmed as working.