Closed akshaymankar closed 2 weeks ago
This is probably because the flow control is disabled in v4.1.0 Do you see this bug also in v4.0.0?
I can confirm this doesn't happen with v4.0.0.
However, with v4.0.0, the stuck stream causes other streams to also get stuck:
Here is an updated example:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Async
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as Builder
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Streaming.Network
import Network.HTTP.Types
import qualified Network.HTTP2.Client as Client
import qualified Network.HTTP2.Server as Server
import Network.Socket
testServer :: Server.Request -> Server.Aux -> (Server.Response -> [Server.PushPromise] -> IO ()) -> IO ()
testServer req _ respWriter = do
case Server.requestPath req of
Just "/inifite" -> do
let infiniteBSWriter :: (Builder.Builder -> IO ()) -> IO () -> IO ()
infiniteBSWriter bsWriter flush = do
bsWriter $ Builder.lazyByteString $ LBS.concat $ replicate 1000 "foo\n"
infiniteBSWriter bsWriter flush
infiniteResponse = Server.responseStreaming status200 [] infiniteBSWriter
respWriter infiniteResponse []
Just "/echo" -> do
reqBody <- readRequestBody req
respWriter (Server.responseBuilder status200 [] (Builder.lazyByteString reqBody)) []
_ -> do
respWriter (Server.responseNoBody status404 []) []
stuckClient :: Client.Client ()
stuckClient client = client (Client.requestNoBody "GET" "/inifite" []) $ \res ->
if Client.responseStatus res == Just status200
then do
bs <- Client.getResponseBodyChunk res
putStrLn $ "Got chunk of size: " <> show (BS.length bs)
threadDelay maxBound
else error $ "the response isn't 200, due to a typo?"
echoClient :: Client.Client ()
echoClient client = client (Client.requestBuilder "GET" "/echo" [] "Yo") $ \res ->
if Client.responseStatus res == Just status200
then do
resp <- readResponseBody res
putStrLn $ "Got echo response: " <> show resp
else error $ "the response isn't 200, due to a typo?"
main :: IO ()
main = do
bracket (bindRandomPortTCP "*") (close . snd) $ \(serverPort, listenSock) -> do
listen listenSock 1024
_ <- async $ forever $ do
(sock, _) <- accept listenSock
let cleanup cfg = do
Client.freeSimpleConfig cfg
close sock
async $ bracket (Server.allocSimpleConfig sock 4096) cleanup $ \cfg -> do cfg testServer
let clientConfig =
{ Client.scheme = "http",
Client.authority = "localhost",
Client.cacheLimit = 20
bracket (fst <$> getSocketTCP "localhost" serverPort) close $ \sock ->
bracket (Client.allocSimpleConfig sock 4096) Client.freeSimpleConfig $ \http2Cfg -> do clientConfig http2Cfg $ \sendReq -> do
stuck <- async $ stuckClient sendReq
threadDelay 100000
echoClient sendReq
putStrLn $ "!!!! echo request worked even if stuck request was stuck !!!!"
wait stuck
pure ()
readRequestBody :: Server.Request -> IO LBS.ByteString
readRequestBody req = readChunks (Server.getRequestBodyChunk req)
readResponseBody :: Client.Response -> IO LBS.ByteString
readResponseBody res = readChunks (Client.getResponseBodyChunk res)
readChunks :: IO BS.ByteString -> IO LBS.ByteString
readChunks action = LBS.fromChunks <$> go []
go chunks = do
action >>= \c -> case c of
"" -> pure chunks
_ -> go (c : chunks)
Thank you for your research and the code. I will look into it.
With your first example and http2
v4.1.0, I cannot reproduce memory-blow-up on macOS.
I'm watching the process by ps
Would you tell me your OS?
I am using Linux, NixOS specifically.
@akshaymankar I would appreciated if you was able to test this issue to v5.0.0.
The new server architecture has been merged. In the old model, a lot of threads are created for streaming. But in the current model, only two threads are spawned for streaming.
Closing. Please reopen if necessary.
Here is an example with a stuck stream consumer:
I can see the traffic in wireshark, so this should mean that the server isn't stuck and filling up the memory. So, this has to be on the client side.