kazuki-sf / YouTube_Summary_with_ChatGPT

YouTube Summary with ChatGPT is a simple Chrome Extension (manifest v3) that allows you to get both YouTube video transcripts and summary of the video with OpenAI's ChatGPT AI technology.
MIT License
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Full-Length video summary generation idea #5

Open elmarceloc opened 1 year ago

elmarceloc commented 1 year ago

The idea is to have ChatGPT create a summary of each part of a video that is sent in segments. At the end, the extension will prompt the IA to combine all of these summaries to create a full-length video summary.

vasyop commented 1 year ago

Hey @kazuki-sf, great work 👍🏻 . do you still plan to support this extension?

suggestion: when the user clicks the AI summary button, just open a new openai tab for each 15k chunk instead of just 1 tab. only click the send button for the first tab though, otherwise: image this way the user would only have to switch to next tab and hit send (for each additional tab)

a "smarter" way would be to work with only 1 chatgpt tab and wait for it to finish before auto sending the next chunk. but error handling (maybe chatgpt is too busy and bails) would be tricky, so I would go for the first option since it's easy to implement and the UX would be good

7flash commented 1 year ago

@vasyop @It seems like current solution was applied to skip chunks in between, I think indeed your proposed solution would be better, I can try to implement it with similar function waiting for response then sending next chunk: https://github.com/7flash/AutoChatGPT/blob/b8679a9ab16c97e64c952d9ddfebfbed0d575754/content.js#L56