kazupon / vue-cli-plugin-p11n

:electric_plug: Vue CLI 3 plugin to pluginize your Vue project
MIT License
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It is a question about future expansion rather than a problem #16

Open dadajam4 opened 5 years ago

dadajam4 commented 5 years ago

First of all. Is it OK with English? I really want to talk in Japanese.

I tried this plug-in, and the following problem occurred.

However, I am feeling a lot of possibilities for the directionality of this plugin. In particular, I need to use typescript.

As there is no vue version 3 scheduled, I think there are roadmaps to think variously, but is there support scheduled as above?


dadajam4 commented 5 years ago

Supplement. For the reasons above, I am looking into your code snippet and looking for missing codes for my project. Also, I use nuxt-ts for examination of my project. (For SPA)

kazupon commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your interest and feedback!

  • style in the sfc file is not built correctly.

vue-cli-plugin-p11n have the below roadmap. https://github.com/kazupon/vue-cli-plugin-p11n/issues/1

By supporting this feature, you mignt be able to realize your request by using rollup-plugin-vue.

  • Can not be a foothold for universal plug-in development that also supports SSR

You might be able to realize your request by using vue-cli-plugin-ssr.

dadajam4 commented 5 years ago

Thank you for responding to me though you seem to be busy. I look forward to the future success. I understand that growth is planned. I will check in the future.

As a digression, it is unknown whether it is a problem with your code or rpt2, but I have found the following problem.


This write method simply uses "fs.writeFile", but unless you use bundle.write (), Typescript definition file seems not to be output.

If you have problems with the same problem, please use this information. It is okay to close this issue. I support you. Thanks!