Open Codermar opened 5 years ago
Update: Moving vue to dependencies and adding eslint disable in index.js seems to make the project work. Still checking if anything else might be broken.
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
Vue.prototype.$add = (a, b) => a + b;
I got the errors below while trying to "vue add p11n" to a newly created project with @vue/cli 4.0.5
āāŖ vue add p11n WARN There are uncommited changes in the current repository, it's recommended to commit or stash them first. ? Still proceed? Yes
š¦ Installing vue-cli-plugin-p11n...
npm audit fix
to fix them, ornpm audit
for details ā Successfully installed plugin: vue-cli-plugin-p11nš Invoking generator for vue-cli-plugin-p11n... ā ļø author is undefined in package.json ā Running completion hooks...error: Assignment to property of function parameter 'Vue' (no-param-reassign) at src/index.js:9:3: 7 | */ 8 |
error: 'vue' should be listed in the project's dependencies, not devDependencies (import/no-extraneous-dependencies) at src/main.js:1:1:
error: 'vue' should be listed in the project's dependencies, not devDependencies (import/no-extraneous-dependencies) at src/plugin.js:6:1: 4 | */ 5 |
3 errors found.