kazupon / vue-i18n

:globe_with_meridians: Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
MIT License
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Use pluralization in component interpolation. #1684

Open doubaozia opened 10 months ago

doubaozia commented 10 months ago

Clear and concise description of the problem

We should use pluralization in component interpolation, but there's no usage document found. And I checked the source code found it not supported yet. This is a simple example below: <i18n path="total-items" tag="p"> <span class="text-info">{{ this.selectedLength }}</span> </i18n> The corresponding message is like: { 'en-US': { 'total-items': 'total {n} item | total {n} items' } } The text should be changed according to the "this.selectedLength" variable.

Suggested solution

These are the choices solution:

  1. Add new props to the "i18n" component such as plural="true" and params="{ n: xxx }"
  2. Add a new component called "i18n-plural" with the prop params="{ n: xxx }"


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