kazurayam / chromedriverfactory

A Java library that enables you to launch Selenium ChromeDriver using an existing user Profile. That let you to carry cookies over multiple HTTP sessions via user Profile.
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should deprecate ChromePreferencesModifier and FirefoxPreferencesModifier #36

Closed kazurayam closed 2 years ago

kazurayam commented 2 years ago

See ChromeOptionsBuilderImpl, v0.6.0-SNAPSHOT

I found a difference between the API of Selenium 3 and the API of Selenium 4.

ChromeOption class of Selenium 3 expect us to call chromeOptions.addArguments(String...)

ChromeOption class of Selenium3 expect us to call chromeOptions.setExperimentalOption()

Well, not correct enough. Selenium 4 distinguishes "experimental" options and "approved" options. But Selenium 3 does not.

kazurayam commented 2 years ago

Probably I should change ChromeOptionsModifiers to cover the features covered by ChromePreferencesModifiers class in v0.6.0-SNAPSHOT. And get rid of ChromePreferenesModifiers class. I should not use Preferences at at. ---- I can make it, perhaps. Then the difference between Selenium 3 and 4 would no longer matter for me.

I will try this in the v0.6.1

kazurayam commented 2 years ago

I was confused somehow.

v0.6.1 works fine.

I will keep ChromePreferencesModifiers