com.kazurayam.junit4ks.JUnitCustomKeywords should implements this:
public static JUnitRunnerResult runWithJUnitRunner(Class junitRunnerClass, FailureHandling flowControl)
This enables us to execute a single Test class.
But often we want to execute multiple Test classes at once, and have a single report where the results of multipe test classes are included. So I need thiis:
public static JUnitRunnerResult runWithJUnitRunner(List<Class> junitRunnerClasses, FailureHandling flowControl)
In Katalon Studiio, I can easily make a Test Suite comprising multiple Test Cases. Effectively equivalent to a Test Case that executes multiple junit tests as on batch.
com.kazurayam.junit4ks.JUnitCustomKeywords should implements this:
This enables us to execute a single Test class.
But often we want to execute multiple Test classes at once, and have a single report where the results of multipe test classes are included. So I need thiis: