kbase / narrative

MIT License
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does not open #1737

Open whqatever opened 4 years ago

whqatever commented 4 years ago

hello i followed the instructions word for word to install the narrative, but this the result. i'm assuming the issue is related to the last few lines. any help would be most appreciated.

i'm running this on linux in case that is relevant.

$ kbase-narrative 
The Jupyter HTML Notebook.

This launches a Tornado based HTML Notebook Server that serves up an
HTML5/Javascript Notebook client.


Subcommands are launched as `jupyter-notebook cmd [args]`. For information on
using subcommand 'cmd', do: `jupyter-notebook cmd -h`.

    Stop currently running notebook server for a given port
    Set a password for the notebook server.
    List currently running notebook servers.


Arguments that take values are actually convenience aliases to full
Configurables, whose aliases are listed on the help line. For more information
on full configurables, see '--help-all'.

    DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
    set log level to logging.DEBUG (maximize logging output)
    Don't open the notebook in a browser after startup.
    Allow the notebook to be run from root user.
    Answer yes to any questions instead of prompting.
    Disable MathJax

    MathJax is the javascript library Jupyter uses to render math/LaTeX. It is
    very large, so you may want to disable it if you have a slow internet
    connection, or for offline use of the notebook.

    When disabled, equations etc. will appear as their untransformed TeX source.
    generate default config file
--certfile=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.certfile)
    Default: u''
    The full path to an SSL/TLS certificate file.
--ip=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.ip)
    Default: 'localhost'
    The IP address the notebook server will listen on.
--pylab=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.pylab)
    Default: 'disabled'
    DISABLED: use %pylab or %matplotlib in the notebook to enable matplotlib.
--log-level=<Enum> (Application.log_level)
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
--port-retries=<Integer> (NotebookApp.port_retries)
    Default: 50
    The number of additional ports to try if the specified port is not
--notebook-dir=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.notebook_dir)
    Default: u''
    The directory to use for notebooks and kernels.
--keyfile=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.keyfile)
    Default: u''
    The full path to a private key file for usage with SSL/TLS.
--client-ca=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.client_ca)
    Default: u''
    The full path to a certificate authority certificate for SSL/TLS client
--config=<Unicode> (JupyterApp.config_file)
    Default: u''
    Full path of a config file.
--port=<Integer> (NotebookApp.port)
    Default: 8888
    The port the notebook server will listen on.
--transport=<CaselessStrEnum> (KernelManager.transport)
    Default: 'tcp'
    Choices: [u'tcp', u'ipc']
--browser=<Unicode> (NotebookApp.browser)
    Default: u''
    Specify what command to use to invoke a web browser when opening the
    notebook. If not specified, the default browser will be determined by the
    `webbrowser` standard library module, which allows setting of the BROWSER
    environment variable to override it.

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`


    jupyter notebook                       # start the notebook
    jupyter notebook --certfile=mycert.pem # use SSL/TLS certificate
    jupyter notebook password              # enter a password to protect the server

[C 22:38:03.952 NotebookApp] Bad config encountered during initialization:
[C 22:38:03.952 NotebookApp] The 'contents_manager_class' trait of <notebook.notebookapp.NotebookApp object at 0x7f929c8962d0> instance must be a type, but 'biokbase.narrative.contents.kbasewsmanager.KBaseWSManager' could not be imported
briehl commented 4 years ago

Hi, local installation is really only necessary if you're trying to work on developing something for the KBase Narrative. If you're just looking to use it, sign up for an account at https://narrative.kbase.us, and it's available for online use there.

But if you are trying to do a development installation - and help is welcome! - it looks like the biokbase.narrative package isn't on your PYTHONPATH. There could also have been a problem with the installation. Running scripts/install_narrative.sh should have created an install.log file. Any installation errors should show up there.

I should also mention that, sadly, the front end parts of this repo still have some dependencies on Bower, which can be finicky to install these days. That shouldn't cause the error you see, though.