kbembedded / Flipper-Zero-Game-Boy-Pokemon-Trading

Pokemon trade from Flipper Zero to Game Boy for Generation I & II games (Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold, Silver, and Crystal)
MIT License
305 stars 18 forks source link

Feat: Add long-term Pokemon storage / save Pokemon to disk #27

Open jjason135 opened 2 months ago

jjason135 commented 2 months ago

Describe the process.

Since we are able to trade with the flipper already, would it be possible to trade and have the pokemon stored instead of them just getting deleted? This way we can have a Bank that can store pokemon that you want to be stored/ have traded. Also with this feature i think we should be able to use the time capsule from Gold/Silver/Crystal to transfer pokemon up a generation.

Game boy


kbembedded commented 2 months ago

To clarify, when you trade a pokemon with the flipper, the pokemon traded to the flipper is retained in memory until you back out of the trade system.

This was done as well to allow modification of pokemon. e.g. You can trade something to the flipper, teach it a new move, change the level, etc., and then trade it back.

Using this, it is completely possible to trade from a R/B/Y to the flipper from a gameboy, then swap the gameboy cart to G/S/C and trade up from the flipper through the time capsule.

The only thing that doesn't really exist at this point is the concept of saving a pokemon to microSD on the flipper for later trades.