kbengine / kbengine_stresstest

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numClients difference between server and unity #2

Open armwdev opened 4 years ago

armwdev commented 4 years ago

I've been trying to achieve at least 1k players in game but couldn't succeed in the stress test. Usually I can see 100 - 150 players max in Unity profiler (GameObjects in Scene) and slowly all disconnects. Although the numClients in the server shows 11k - 12k clients. Also tried to send bots from another machine but that even gets worse (15 - 20 players max).

The server hardware is Xeon E3-2680 v3 12 cores 24 threads, 16 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, Intel 1Gbps onboard network card and Ubuntu server version.

Do you know what might be causing this difference between server and the client? If server says there are 10k players, shouldn't unity show all of them visually and is there any way to verify this from the client side?


armwdev commented 4 years ago

Was just thinking kbengine to be a good backend for high concurrency but it seems the lack of reliability (random errors, sudden program terminations and difference in concurrent users count between client and server) and finding documentation without translation is a bit of an issue. Although I followed the documentation by using translator and everything is in default configuration, trying to solve errors after errors is just time consuming. However if I can get a response for this issue my point of view on this might change so I don't go to alternatives.

Please take this as a constructive feedback so you can improve the kbengine in these aspects to take it to the next level. Again thanks for the kbengine and the effort to make this available to public.

kbengine commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry that some things haven't been answered in time recently. You can watch this video.

https://www.bilibili.com/video/av21956024/ http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjgyMjM0MTYwNA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1 ubuntu 14.04(64bit) Intel Broadwell 8核2.4MHZ 16G

You can try to disable udp communication test. Use 1.x test, more baseapp and cellapp. Use tools / linux / *. Sh to optimize the linux system.

kbengine commented 4 years ago

The game scene is divided into 100, and each scene has 100 players gathered together. Data synchronization is at the level of 100x100. If 1000 players come together, your network bandwidth consumption is huge.

armwdev commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I've watched these videos and applied the optimization.sh but I'll try your other suggestions. Thanks again