kbenoit / sophistication

R package associated with Benoit, Munger and Spirling (2017) paper(s)
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Readme install instructions update #16

Closed lcombs closed 4 years ago

lcombs commented 4 years ago

Updated the README.Rmd and README.md with the following edits to reflect the additional installation instructions we discussed in issue #11 :

If you have trouble with your sophistication installation using devtools, check that you have pre-installed conda or miniconda and are using the correct version of spacyr. Try installing sophistication with the following steps:

devtools::install_github("quanteda/spacyr", build_vignettes = FALSE)

For more information please see the spacyr documentation here: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/spacyr/readme/README.html .

kbenoit commented 4 years ago

Approved and merged. I think you have write permissions for this repo @lcombs, so feel free to make branches here directly, instead of from your own fork. (This makes it easier for me to modify the PR code if needed.)