kbilal-uddin / clean-architecture

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Create POS API using .NET 8 with CleanArchitecture, EF Core, SQL Server, and Unit Tests #2

Open kbilal-uddin opened 2 months ago

kbilal-uddin commented 2 months ago


Technology Stack:

  1. .NET 8 for API development.
  2. CleanArchitecture infrastructure pattern for maintaining separation of concerns.
  3. Entity Framework (EF) Core for database interaction.
  4. SQL Server as the backend database.

API Endpoints:

  1. Implement CRUD operations for managing users, products, orders, etc., as required for a Point of Sale system.
  2. Authentication and Authorization:
  3. Implement authentication using JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for securing API endpoints.
  4. Implement role-based access control to restrict access based on user roles (e.g., admin, cashier).

Unit Tests:

  1. Develop comprehensive unit tests covering all aspects of the API endpoints and business logic.
  2. Utilize NUnit testing frameworks.


  1. Provide clear and concise documentation for API endpoints, data models, and any other relevant information.
  2. Include instructions for setting up the development environment and running the API locally.

Error Handling:

  1. Implement proper error handling and response formats for API endpoints to ensure robustness and reliability.


kbilal-uddin commented 2 months ago

This issue will split into multiple PRs, following are the branches:

#pos-api/create-infrastructure-and-add-user-support #pos-api/add-product-support #pos-api/add-order-support #pos-api/add-receipt-handling