kblincoe / VisualGit_SE701_3

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Improving clone process #151

Open cielluo opened 6 years ago

cielluo commented 6 years ago

Feature Request: I just reviewed my group-mate's PR #150, but I think after this, the clone flow is still wired.

I think the two buttons under "clone from Internet" should be "Select location" and "Clone". And a more reasonable process would be: User goes to clone from Internet page -> User inputs an URL to clone from -> User clicks "Select location" -> File browser is opened, and user chooses location to clone to (e.g. C:\GitHub) -> The system fill out the input area after "File location to save to" with the location (e.g. C:\GitHub), and automatically generate a subfolder according to the name of the repository in the location (e.g. User input "https://github.com/kblincoe/VisualGit_SE701_3.git" in the URL and choose C:\GitHub as the location, then in the input area after "File location to save to" is " C:\GitHub\VisualGit_SE701_3) -> User checks the location and clicks "Clone" button -> Clone process starts

@softeng-701 I do not want to make more contribution for my assignment 1 now, but I just think the process should be taken into account if you want to improve the application in the future. It's purely suggestion.