kboghdady / youTube_ads_4_pi-hole

YouTube script to add the new Ads list for Pi-hole
2.43k stars 265 forks source link

Question to author - Does this work for you? #80

Open wrapper opened 3 years ago

wrapper commented 3 years ago

Appreciate you taking the time the develop this, but it would be good to learn more about success rates. I have tested the script and like everyone else I have seen, all it does is stop youtube working or just shows ads as usual.

I understand it is near impossible to actually block YT ads with pihole so I'm wondering what we might be able to achieve here.


91ajames commented 3 years ago

Been wondering the same thing myself and have found greater list than what's posted here. Last one having the greater list.

For a while my pihole was almost corrupted with everything off and no more googlevideo enabled that nothing would load for a week anymore until i checked my whitelist from some other list that had nothing to do with being with youtube.




ashleycawley commented 3 years ago

Been following this project for a while now, doesn't seem like it is working or being updated or improved by the author, apart from them adding numerous cryptocurrency donation links to the Readme! I'm outa here.

kboghdady commented 3 years ago

@wrapper Thank you very much for your question. it is working for me on my pihole. it doesn't block all the ads, but most of them. keep in your mind that Youtube presents ads based on your region and some of the Ads DNS itself blocks the youtube. I do as much I can to filter the youtube DNS that block all the videos, but I can't do that for all the regions. that is why I added the ignore list where if you discover a specific DNS is blocking the regular video you would add it to the ignore list.

91ajames commented 3 years ago

What I have also understood, each link is not just region based, but what browser you are currently using which switch's to whatever ad server to the browser. Been noticing the links abit when trying out the same video. Gives me a different googlevideo but mostly the same 2 or 3 links on that one browser which ended up possibly blocking another non ad video on another browser. What browser and side server you on? Chrome? GMT -5

Might be possible to set up different zones perhaps from our own pihole ad vid hits instead of all at once from one source.

chris-aeviator commented 3 years ago

Can confirm I just installed the list on pihole and of 4 videos I played on my TV (which were all monetized Videos and normally each would show an ad) and only 1 showed an ad after a noticeable waitingtime of around 10 seconds


Interesting log about what's happening: the first two requests (oldest at the bottom of the list) were forwarded (fetching the video + meta I guess), 10 seconds of blocks, then the ad played (maybe through a different mechanism, since only requests to plain google where made)


wrapper commented 3 years ago

Appreciate you responding to this @kboghdady

As I mentioned, for me the script stopped YT videos loading. I also wasn't able to remove the googlevideo entries on the blacklist using the script you provided, so I had to remove them manually one by one to get YT to work again.

kousu commented 3 years ago

This doesn't seem to be working for Canada anymore. For example, I just loaded a video, got an an ad, and paused it to record the domains I saw in the Web Inspector. Then I cleared the inspector, let it play, and recorded the domains I saw once the content video played. Here's what I got:



As many people have said, Youtube has been interleaving content and ads from the same servers for some time now, probably specifically to defeat DNS blacklisting.

91ajames commented 3 years ago

I've been whitelisting roughly 50 links so far. I let the page load and youtube either loops or errors (for live stream). For loops, I lookup each individual 3 links (normally) from that one youtube video thats looping and make a educated guess. since r1---etc co-insides with r1.etc that I white list both of them to see if the video loads after waiting either right away or up to 10 seconds, and possibly click the timeline to get the feed buffer flowing, if that fails, i usually type in the comment failed enable it once again and go with the 2nd of/or 3rd link. There's ones that may buff but won't play, move the time line a bit within that buff then back to the beggining of the video, the video will rebuff from the begging with a new feed from that link being disabled. There's only at least one or two links that I run into thats actually an ad on my tv while the other on my pc is the actual video. Really depends on what device your on and what browser.

https://r1---sn-xaxjugvopjcvm-t0as.googlevideo.com/ that's news to me and havent seen it on my end yet.

Had a discord to discuss about youtube with links but lost that account somehow, dont remember the pswd to it, oh well. sry fellows that had joined.

Khoramyar commented 3 years ago

Just tested on my pi-hole and works. This is great, thanks! :)

Please comment a $XMR link too so I can do my part. Cheers!

costispavlou commented 3 years ago

how did you manage to get it working when hundreds of us did not? i get video ads in every single youtube video..