kbr / fritzconnection

Python-Tool to communicate with the AVM Fritz!Box by the TR-064 protocol and the AHA-HTTP-Interface
MIT License
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GetDeviceLog always returns the same entries #174

Closed Bluscream closed 1 year ago

Bluscream commented 1 year ago

I use the following script to add GetDeviceLog entries to a mysql database, but everytime i run the script in cron it returns the same outdated entries from before. Also do i need to specify the filters? ("All", "System", "Internet", ...)

from time import sleep
from fritzconnection import FritzConnection
from pprint import pprint
from db import *
from re import finditer, MULTILINE, Match
from datetime import datetime

from urllib.request import urlopen
from urllib.parse import urlencode, quote_plus
from base64 import b64decode as b64d
def automagic(path = "/", query = {}):
    url = f'http://xxx/{path}?password={b64d("Z2FzdA==").decode("utf-8")}&{urlencode(query, quote_via=quote_plus)}'
    try: urlopen(url, timeout=.5)
    except: pass

fc: FritzConnection = FritzConnection(password="xxxx")
# fc.reconnect()  # get a new external ip from the provider
pprint(fc)  # print router model information
logstr = fc.call_action('DeviceInfo:1','GetDeviceLog')['NewDeviceLog']
regex = r"(\d+\.\d+\.\d+ \d+:\d+:\d+) (.*)"

existing: list[LogEntry] = get()

def checkMatch(match: Match):
    msg: str = match.group(2).strip()
    timestamp = datetime.strptime(match.group(1), "%d.%m.%y %H:%M:%S") # 26.10.22 13:53:06
    for item in existing:
        if item.timestamp == timestamp: return
    add(message_de=msg, timestamp=timestamp)
    if msg.startswith("RADAR wurde auf Kanal "):
        automagic("notification/create", {"title": "Fritz!Box WARNING", "message": msg, "icon": "app.icon://de.almisoft.boxtogofulls"})
    if "Bitte FRITZ!Box neu starten" in msg:
        automagic("notification/create", {"title": "Fritz!Box ERROR", "vibrate": True, "message": msg, "icon": "app.icon://de.almisoft.boxtogofull"})
        automagic("popup/show", {"title": "Fritz!Box ERROR", "message": f"{msg}\n\nREBOOTING in 5 seconds..."})
        print("REBOOTING ROUTER")

for match in finditer(regex, logstr, MULTILINE):  # type: ignore
kbr commented 1 year ago

The update interval of the log depends on events. It can happen that there are no events for a week or longer.

Bluscream commented 1 year ago

The update interval of the log depends on events. It can happen that there are no events for a week or longer.

But i can see the new logs just fine in the webinterface, just via fritzconnection they're missing

kbr commented 1 year ago

Seems the TR-064 service just returns a subset. The library does not filter the data.

Bluscream commented 1 year ago

Where is the use if it doesnt provide the same logs. Is there a lib that gets the same data from the website or do i need to scrape for that. Also would have been nice if the docs mentioned that TR is basically useless

kbr commented 1 year ago

Please contact the vendor in case you like to discuss this.

Bluscream commented 1 year ago

https://github.com/FlorianWendelborn/fritz-box#boxgetlog seems to do the trick, but requires me to rewrite my whole code to js. Would've been nice if your docs were clear enough to spare this for me