kbr / fritzconnection

Python-Tool to communicate with the AVM Fritz!Box by the TR-064 protocol and the AHA-HTTP-Interface
MIT License
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Can't accsess docsis logg? #193

Closed LaurensHillen closed 7 months ago

LaurensHillen commented 11 months ago

log = fc.call_action('DeviceInfo:1', 'GetDOCSISLog') print(log['NewDOCSISLog'])

Hi Guys,

Cant seem to get the GetDOCSISLog wotking(did get the devicelog working). Is there any way how to obtain a docsis connection log?

this is the error i am getting: errorCode: 401 errorDescription: Invalid Action

kbr commented 11 months ago

This action is not documented by AVM for the DeviceInfo service. Therefore the error. From where did you get the action-name?

LaurensHillen commented 11 months ago

This action is not documented by AVM for the DeviceInfo service. Therefore the error. From where did you get the action-name?

This is going to sound stupid but chatgpt, bard, bingai all gave me this solution XD. But thanks anyway. Is there a other solution for reading the docsis log like in the fritz beta?

kbr commented 11 months ago

Well, doesn't matter whether you take cannabis, magic mushrooms or ChatGPT – you end up with halluzinations ;)

You can try something like

% fritzconnection -i -c > fc_out.txt

to export the device-specific api to an output-file and inspect the service and actions provided by AVM for the router.

LaurensHillen commented 11 months ago

Well, doesn't matter whether you take cannabis, magic mushrooms or ChatGPT – you end up with halluzinations ;)

XD, so I learned the hard way (:

You can try something like

% fritzconnection -i -c > fc_out.txt

So how would this look like in python code, something i can execute from visual studio code.

kbr commented 11 months ago

After installing fritzconnection you can run the mentioned command from the command line. Otherwise you can find the implementation at cli/fritzinspection.py.