kbr / fritzconnection

Python-Tool to communicate with the AVM Fritz!Box by the TR-064 protocol and the AHA-HTTP-Interface
MIT License
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FritzCall: how are the calls ordered? [Enhancement] #64

Open bufemc opened 3 years ago

bufemc commented 3 years ago

Hi, I found in the documentation with URL:



get_calls(calltype=0, update=True, num=None, days=None)

I did not inspect the code yet, but I think it would be great to mention at least in which order the calls are returned. Is it random, or first is last call, first is first call?

If it's random, could we establish additional parameters, something like:

Background: if someone just wants to check the last 10 calls, it is currently not clear if that would work with this libary module. Maybe it's just enough to extend the explanation in the documentation how to do so? Maybe it is already ordered in some way, but that should be written explicitely on top I guess.

kbr commented 3 years ago

get_calls() returns the calls just in the order provided by the router. At time of writing it is the most recent call first.

The returned calls are instances of the class Call. So i.e. it's possible to inspect the attribute 'date' (which is of type datetime) or sort the list of calls by some attributes according to the needs.

The parameter 'num' corresponds to your suggestion of 'limit'.

bufemc commented 3 years ago

"returns the calls just in the order provided by the router. At time of writing it is the most recent call first."

=> That could go into the documentation :)

BTW, I would even not know how to enable the "dial-help service", there is just a note: "Note: To make this work it is required to activate the dial-help service of the router first." Is it that? Example: https://service.avm.de/help/de/FRITZ-Box-Fon-WLAN-7490/017p1/hilfe_fon_waehlhilfe - could have been also the reason for https://github.com/kbr/fritzconnection/issues/62