kbr / fritzconnection

Python-Tool to communicate with the AVM Fritz!Box by the TR-064 protocol and the AHA-HTTP-Interface
MIT License
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Feature suggestion: IPv6 prefix #77

Closed maribert closed 3 years ago

maribert commented 3 years ago

Thanks for all the great work so far, Klaus!

In addition to the restoration of the redirection functionality, I have another suggestion to make FritzConnection even more useful, and that would be to provide the currently assigned IPv6 prefix(es) with the FritzStatus.

Reasoning behind the request: since I recently got a new cable internet connection, I have lost the ability to use IPv4 port forwarding (as I don't get a routeable IPv4 address on that line), so I had to switch to IPv6. But to make that work, I need to know the full routeable IPv6 address of the host (not of the FRITZ!Box!), which consists (of course) of the interface ID, which is constant and known, and the prefix assigned to my internal network, which is not necessarily known and can change.



kbr commented 3 years ago

That's easy and now in the master branch for 1.4.0_dev

kbr commented 3 years ago

As 1.4.0 is out I like to close this.