kbrbe / beltrans-data-integration

Creating a FAIR Linked Data corpus for the BELTRANS research project about Belgian book translations NL-FR and FR-NL between 1970 and 2020
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Representing incomplete birth/death dates #6

Open SvenLieber opened 3 years ago

SvenLieber commented 3 years ago

How do we represent incomplete dates in our RDF-based data model?

There seems to be no single standard way to represent uncertain or incomplete dates. We have seen in the data source KBR authors that several incomplete date values exist (see #5 )

I'm wondering if, instead of an ontology solution with new properties, a datatype could be introduced using the specified string notation by EDTF and then semantically be defined using something like QUDT?

AnnVanCamp commented 3 years ago

Could we adopt the same solution as in Luxembourg? See Factsheet – Luxembourg Shared Authority File (received by mail): "Wikibase contains a datetime representation based on ISO 8601:2004. The project extended the Wikibase software that includes ISO 8601:2019, and their extensions. This resulted in two open source products. A library for the validation and humanisation of EDTF dates in PHP, and an extension to WikiBase to use this library. Both are available as open source software for all to use and improve. The humanisation is translated in various languages using Translate.wiki."