kbss-cvut / aircraft-maintenance-planning-system

D2020+ project about Aircraft Mainenance Planning System.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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enhance-wo-text script does work incrementally #221

Open blcham opened 1 year ago

blcham commented 1 year ago

Incremental deployment of annotated wo-text does not work, I mean:

cd enhance-wo-text



There is query (queries/retrieve-non-annotated-mwo-with-wo-texts.rq) that depends on cm:described-finding to retrieve unannotated wo-texts:

PREFIX cm: <http://onto.fel.cvut.cz/ontologies/csat-maintenance/>

    <http://onto.fel.cvut.cz/ontologies/csat/enhance-wo-text-0.1-data> a owl:Ontology .
    ?taskStepExecution cm:work-order-text  ?woText .
    ?taskStepExecution cm:work-order-text  ?woText .
        FILTER NOT EXISTS{ ?taskStepExecution cm:described-finding ?finding}

However ouput of the enhance-wo-text does not generate any triples having property cm:described-finding and thus computation cannot be incremental.