kbuffington / Georgia

Dynamic foobar2000 theme
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Lyrics display using tags not working #102

Closed ReK42 closed 3 years ago

ReK42 commented 3 years ago

I'm getting the following error when trying to display lyrics from tags. I have commented out the config as it recommended, and confirmed the contents of the tags look good. After commenting out the config and restarting foobar it worked for a couple of songs but then broke again and hasn't worked since.


kbuffington commented 3 years ago

I'm pretty stumped here. This error only displays if attempting to read lyrics from tags and foobar returns a value of ".". Just a period. This is what happens when foobar is attempting to read a field that it considers a spam field (and so never caches). Commenting it out should prevent this problem from happening again.

Some things you could try:

Unfortunately there isn't anything I can do about this as it's entirely dependent on what value foobar returns to FSM (or FSM returns to the script... not 100% sure).