kbuffington / Georgia

Dynamic foobar2000 theme
284 stars 16 forks source link

Flags Images Found missing check #108

Open pmcdonough8133 opened 3 years ago

pmcdonough8133 commented 3 years ago

I want to preface this by saying this is a super minor issue but figured I should report it.

I'm sure this is user error somehow but I am at a complete loss for what is incorrect. I went and did a fresh install since I had not updated since v1.8~ish and figured that I'd like to catch back up but I was missing some components (namely SMP) so might as well follow the fresh install instructions rather than trying to check if I needed something extra on a prior update. I followed the instructions step for step and got Georgia back up and running but I skipped the optional images step since I figured I could just leave those from the prior install (where it was all working perfectly). After finishing up, I checked the Georgia theme status menu and noticed I was missing a check mark


I went and checked my folder structure


and from what I can tell, there have been no changes that should be impacting this. the "flags" folder still has the 32 and 64 subfolders and I even re-downloaded the flags zip to double check.

Now the weirdest part, the flags still work. If I play a song, I still can see the flag unique to the artist's country.


So it's not anything app-breaking but it did give me minor stress until I actually tried playing a song thinking I messed something up. I've tried restarting foobar and reloading Georgia a handful of times and nothing changes.